Bad puns, everybody runs

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Percy: I'm starting the conversation today!

LiLi: That's lovely

Piper: ...

Jason: I honestly think the only people that talk on here anymore are Nico, Li, and Will

Leo: I'm in and out

Will: Eh

Nico: I mean he's not wrong

LiLi: So...nice weather today isn't it?

Nico: Making small talk won't work

LiLi: I'm trying to lighten the mood!

Leo: It's not working. And that's almost a pun

LiLi: ...oh wait!

Percy: Don't you two even start!

LiLi: Ready Leo?

Leo: Ready

LiLi: This is lit

Leo: Yeah! This conversation is fire

Frank: *groans* Stop please

Percy: I'm dying already

LiLi: We're just getting started! So what do y'all wanna taco about

Leo: Hmmmm. Maybe something fishy

LiLi: Yeah! Lettuce taco about the juicy gossip

Annabeth: You two are terrible

Nico: Agreed

Leo: Looks like I lost an electron. I should keep a better ion them...

Will: Where are your parents?

LiLi: My friends say they don't like my skeleton puns. I should put a little more backbone into them

Nico: No...

Leo: You ded yet bro?

LiLi: He's always been dead...inside

Nico: Ok stop

LiLi: What do skeletons order at a restaurant? Spareribs!

Nico: Why...?

Percy: This is amusing

Jason: I'd have to agree

Piper: You twisted children...

LiLi: Nico, don't you think Will is really a numbSKULL?

Nico: Please!

Will: Stop torturing my boyfriend

LiLi: But it's fun! Why are graveyards so noisy? Because of all the coffin!

Nico: Noooo!!

Leo: Ayeeeee. That's a good one

LiLi: Sí

Leo: ¿Viste mis limones? Quiero mis limones

LiLi: ¿En serio Leo?

Leo: ¿Qué?

LiLi: Deja de ser tan estúpido

Leo: Eres un idiota

LiLi: ¡Cállete!

Will: What are they even saying?

Nico: I can't really tell...I mean Italian is relatively close to Spanish but...

Percy: Use google translate! It's funny

Annabeth: Wow

Piper: You twisted children

LiLi: XD

Leo: Ikr

Hey that was actually fun! Oh well I like writing in Spanish. So suffer or use google translate! ¡Adios!

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