Kill the Witch! (Halloween Special!)

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Hey y'all! It's been over a year since I've updated this book, and if you're still reading this who are you and why are you here? Clearly this book is very cringe, and I'd really like to delete it. But for the sake of it being my most read book and being very dear to my heart, I'm keeping it up. Maybe I'll get around to actually updating it in the future, but for now please enjoy this short story for Halloween.


P.S. I haven't written with these ocs in YEARS lol

Lillian's eyes narrowed at the obviously fake spider that was placed on her bed.

Lindsay smirked at her. "Liv thought it would make you scared."

"Well, it didn't," Lillian snapped. She picked up the spider and threw it across the room.

"You seem to be here a lot more than you're at Camp Jupiter," Lindsay observed. "Why hasn't Reyna removed you from your duties?"

"Because Reyna knows that she's a fire breathing dragon and doesn't want to set her off," a voice snorted from the doorway of the cabin.

"You know, Blaze," Lillian said, glaring at him as he walked toward her, "I'm starting to regret making us public."

He grinned, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Awe, don't say things like that. You know you love my sense of humor."

"And I know I'd love for you two to get a room," Lindsay grumbled. "I'll be going now, so make sure you two aren't late for campfire."

Lillian blushed at the realization that she and Blaze were now alone.

He leaned down to kiss her forehead. "You heard Lin," he said quietly. "We don't want to be late."

Lillian nodded hesitantly. "R-right."

Blaze chuckled. "You still haven't gotten used to this, have you?"

She sighed. "Let's get going..."

Blaze had gone off to sit with the Ares cabin, while Lillian was tasked with consoling one of the youngest members of the Hephaestus cabin.

"This is exactly like what the other campers described," Liv muttered. "Do you think she saw the same thing?"

"I don't know," Lillian replied, continuing to rub the back of the small girl, who was sitting on her lap, comfortingly. "I find it hard to believe that there's a 'spirit' roaming around Camp. It's probably the Hermes cabin playing a trick."

"That makes the most sense," Lindsay agreed. "Although, I think we should check it out later."

"Define we, please," Lillian grumbled.

"Me, you, Liv, Eliza, Devan, Jonah, Karsten, and Blaze, duh."

Liv scowled. "You sure they'd all be down for that?"

Lindsay shrugged. "They'll have to deal with it."
Devan scowled at Lillian. "I can't believe you let her drag us into this."

"She's your girlfriend," she snapped back.

"This'll be a great bonding experience for everyone!" Lindsay exclaimed cheerfully. She grabbed Devan by his ear, yanking him toward her. "And you, Mister, won't complain about it, okay?"

Devan nodded vigorously, rubbing his ear.

"I wish the guys hadn't chickened out," Blaze mumbled.

"Agreed," Devan said.

"At least you two get to snuggle against your girlfriends when you're cowering in fear," Liv sneered.

Eliza laughed. "That's exactly what they're going to do."

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