Lillian flips tables part 2

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And now I am basically gonna write crap. No one is texting in this chapter soooooo.....

Liv and Eliza watched in silence as Lillian yelled at Lindsay. What Lillian was angry about, Liv and Eliza weren't sure. But by this time, it was pretty clear that Lindsay was amused by Lillian's fury, because she laughed. "What're you gonna do?" She asked. "If there's someone you should be mad at, it should be yourself." Lillian snarled. Lindsay caught her punch. "Nice try", she said. "But I'm afraid that won't work." Lillian's hand burst into flames. Lindsay barely seemed to notice. Lillian shoved Lindsay away, a look of pure insanity etched onto her face. Liv and Eliza scooted closer to each other. A sword was now in Lillian's hand. Her red eyes were bright with anger. She lunged at Lindsay. Time seemed to slow down. Before Lillian could reach her, Lindsay thrust out her arms as if to push her away. A wall of flames as tall as tall as the sword fighting arena sprung up. Lillian jumped back in surprise. Lindsay smiled. When the flames subsided, Lindsay had her sword in her hand. Lillian stood slowly, a wild look in her eyes. That's when her sword disappeared and reformed in Lindsay's hand. "I have a feeling you underestimate my power", Lindsay snarled. She tossed Lillian's sword back to her. "Don't let it happen again." She stormed out of the arena. 

Well that was that........

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