The Romans have a party

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Dakota: Party! Let's have a party!

LiLi: Now we're talking!

Reyna: What kind of party?

Hazel: Yeah

LiLi: Can I bring a plus one??

Frank: Are we serious about this?

Jason: You know, I thought Reyna would be the one to say that...

Dakota: Let's do the keyboard challenge for the party!

LiLi: I still want to know if I get a plus one

Dakota: Sure, why not?

LiLi: Nico get your fake Roman butt over here!

Nico: I don't want to do the keyboard challenge

LiLi: Too bad! Let's do this!

Dakota: I'll go first!
Still dunno
LiLi or Leila...

LiLi: Ew and, we should invite Leila to the party!!

Dakota: I mean Leila's closer to my age...

Octavian: But you're closer to LiLi's maturity level?

LiLi: You know, I seriously want to run him through with my sword. Can I run him through with my sword?

Reyna: I wouldn't mind it

Jason: Me either

Frank: Yep

Hazel: Totally

Nico: Please do

Octavian: Why are you all turning your back on a fellow Roman??

LiLi: Cause, we don't like you

Nico: Exactly

Octavian: Shut up graecus scum

Nico: Alright! I'm running him through with my sword!

Dakota: We are straying from the point of the game...

LiLi: Dakota's right. Now let's continue!

Octavian: Ew! I'm not kissing anyone! Goodbye!

Octavian has left the chat

LiLi: Dakota, kiss Leila and not me!

Nico: Why so eager to get out of it?

LiLi: Stop being interested in me! It's weird

Frank: Ok...who's next?

Hazel: I'll go
Myself. But I'm not going to kiss my reflection so

LiLi: Well I mean he's your boyfriend so you technically don't have to

Hazel: I'll save it for later

LiLi: Aw! You two are so cute!

Dakota: Today on, Roman Love

Frank: XD next

Reyna: I guess I'll go...
No one. Loopholes! :P

Nico: Well I got lucky

LiLi: *whispers* reynico

Frank: Your next Li

LiLi: *giggles* okie!
Hmmmm...Gwen. I don't kiss girls.
Hazel and Harley. What did I just say? Also, I don't kiss my siblings
Frank. I'll pass on that one. No offense bro
If I have to kiss di Angelo one more time I will puke. And Nyssa is already in love with a certain daughter of Nike

Dakota: So you're saying you would kiss Nyssa even if she wasn't in love with Laurel?

LiLi: No that's not what I meant! Well I still have to keep going so...
B one

^^^Gosh Trey I swear if you say anything...

Nico: Sure about that?

LiLi: (>/////<) Yes. Well looks like I've got one last try. If not I've got to kiss Nico...
UGH!!! I hate this

Nico: Don't worry, Will does too

Jason: So you're saying you don't hate kissing Li?

Nico: No! That's not what I meant!

Hazel: Jason, stop messing with Nico

Jason: Frank, we still need to go.

Frank: I don't feel like it

Jason: Me neither

Nico: You two are a loss cause

Dakota: Party poopers

LiLi: Hehe

Nico: Somebody help her! One minute she wanted to run Octavian through with her sword and now she's a giggly girl mess!

LiLi: *cri* Nico's right! WHATS HAPPENING TO ME?!?!?!

Jason: LiLi, it appears that you have a severe case of...fangirlism

LiLi: Oh...that's not so bad!

Nico: Yes it is!

LiLi: Why...?

Nico: Because...

Dakota: Ok let's save the sappy stuff and get to the real problem at hand: I CANT FIND ANY KOOL-AID!!!!!

LiLi: Dats a problem

Nico: Srsly? Have you tried maybe asking someone for help?

Dakota: Why would I do that?

LiLi: *looks at Reyna*

Reyna: Nope. He needs to find it on his own

Dakota: Boo you

LiLi: Okie dokie

Nico: I am concerned for your mental health Li

LiLi: Me too Nico, me too. Quick question

Nico: Yes?

LiLi: Can I have your jacket?

Nico: What? Why?

LiLi: Cause

Nico: If Will sees it with you on he probably will stab you. Then there would be blood on my jacket

LiLi: Bummer

Nico: Ok, who talks like that?! Someone change her back!


Nico: And there it is

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Nico: And there it is

Jason: You two still didn't kiss


Yep. Just your everyday Roman party...

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