LiLi gets more dares

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LiLi: There is no way I'm licking Nico's foot! I'd rather kiss him!

Will: You did not just say that

LiLi: Fork...

Nico: I wouldn't want to lick my foot either XD

LiLi: Can you even do that? I mean I know I can but...

Will: How do you know you can?

LiLi: Long story

Nico: It IS a very long story that totally doesn't involve me whatsoever

LiLi: Hey what about that other dare I got?

Nico: Oh I saw that one!

LiLi: Yeah...I'd rather not

Will: What was the dare?

LiLi: Nothing important

Nico: Yeah

Will: And I still have not gotten over the fact that you said you'd rather kiss him

LiLi: I didn't actually MEAN it

Will: Sure

Nico: Come on Will, you know I wouldn't

Will: But sometimes...Ugh. Never mind

LiLi: I feel a tense situation coming on!

Nico: Don't you dare start with that

LiLi: Awe. Why?

Will: *grumbles*

LiLi: What's that? You don't like me being around Nico? I figured that much. Why are you so overprotective of him? You're like his mom


LiLi: You're jealous aren't you?

Nico: LiLi, I wouldn't. I think you set him off

LiLi: What's he gonna do?

Nico: You don't want to know

LiLi: I'm not scared of him, Nico

Nico: You don't know him as I do, LiLi

Will: Listen to Nico. He's right

This escalated real fast...someone tell me what I'm doing with my life...but now's a good time to spring Cee's dare

LiLi: I'll listen to who I want. I'll do what I want

Will: Where are you?

LiLi: In Nico's cabin

Nico: Li you don't have to do this

LiLi: Everyone will be mad at me if I don't


Will bursts into Nico's cabin. He watches LiLi and Nico in horror as they kiss. He just stares for a long moment. LiLi stares back at him. "I'm sorry", Nico says. "Sorry won't work", Will snarls. "It's not our fault!" LiLi protests. "Sure it isn't", Will turns to walk out of the cabin. "And one last thing", he growls. "You two stay away from each other." He slams the door shut behind him.

Don't say, look what I've done to poor Will! Because I regret nothing! >:)

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