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 I was moving. For a teenager, that was the saddest part of summer: especially when you were moving all the way across the country. Oh sorry. My name is Hannah. Hannah Sarah Jepson. I was leaving all of my friends behind in New York, and moving to San Francisco, California. I mean, it was a big change. The car ride was 26 hours. When we finally got there, all I wanted to do was crash onto my bed. We got to the new house at around 3:30 AM on Monday morning. Meaning that back in New York, my friends were just getting up to go to school. 6:30 AM. I ended up sleeping on the floor because my mom was still making me go experience my new school, after my long trip here. I was nervous. I mean it's a new school. Who wouldn't be nervous? I had all of my notebooks and got on the bus. A nice girl invited me to sit with her. Her name was Isabelle.

"Hey. I'm Isabelle. Did you just move here?" She asked.

"Yeah, I've been here since 3:30 in the morning. I moved from New York." I said.
We started talking and said that there was a boy I should look out for. She said that he's the high school heart throb at Amethyst High. When we got to the school, there was already a welcome sign for me. When the "Heart throb " walked out from around the sign, Isabelle told me it was him. My cousin went to this school. He had a big speech for me.
"Hello Hannah. I'm Nathan. Nathan 'Danger' Clayton. I'm the all-star football player at Amethyst high. I've heard a lot of things from Chloe." He said.
"Dang it Chloe." I whispered underneath my breath.
"Looks like you've already met Isabelle, the schools loser." He said smirking at Isabelle.
"You know that's not—"I attempted to say.
"It's ok. He's my brother" Isabelle told me.
"So, prom is next Friday. Chloe told me a lot about you. I really like you, so... Would you go to prom with me?" Nathan said.
"Well, I guess." I said.
"Here's my number if you wanna talk later." He said, handing me a slipping me a piece of paper.

I didn't know what to say. I had just moved and already had a prom date. Wow.

His middle name was danger.. but what did it really mean?Where stories live. Discover now