The Truth

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After Loren eventually got me back to the hotel instead of me sitting on the bathroom floor, I decided it was time to talk to Nathan.
He was texting me non-stop and I never read them. While we were in the elevator, I read them. The last one he sent was, "I will be right outside of the elevator waiting on you."
When we reached our floor, the doors opened. We walked out of the elevator and there he was. It had looked like he had been crying, but he was asleep. I told Loren to go back to the room and tell Brian Nathan and I are okay.
I seriously contemplated staying there and waking him up, or just leaving him there. We were still dating, and I did love him deeply. I knew he didn't cry very often, so I decided to stay and wake him up.
"Hey sleepy head. Are you Okay?" I asked while nudging him awake.
He sat up and clutched me tighter than he had ever done before. I could have sworn he was crying again, but he says he wasn't. "I'm so sorry. I didn't think you were going to come back. I thought I had lost you forever." He said.
I began crying, once more. He really did care. He released me from his arms and rested his head on the wall. I grabbed his hand. "I would never do that baby. Never in a million years would I ever think of remotely doing that.  I love you." I said while playing with his thick, messed up hair.
He looked at me with his red, puffy eyes and said, "I love you too."

His middle name was danger.. but what did it really mean?Where stories live. Discover now