First Date.

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I texted Nathan later that night.
"Hey. Its Hannah"
"Hey, Um.. Wanna go out?"
"Uhh... Sure. Wanna meet up right now?"

"Ahh. Why not. Where do you live?"
"853 Magnolia Drive."
"Oh.. We're neighbors. I'll be over at 7:30?"
"Sure!! See ya then!"

I didn't know what to think. He looked like a musically star I knew... I just couldn't put my finger on it.

7:30 came and the door bell rang. I went downstairs and opened the door.
"Hey, sorry it's still kind of empty." I said, "Want to meet my parents?"
"Why not." He said.
When I went to find my parents, my little sister Aspen saw my new boyfriend. She knew exactly who he was too.
"Hey Han- OH MY GOD! YOU KNOW NATHAN TRISKA?" She exclaimed.
"THAT'S WHO YOU ARE! Sorry.." I said. He grabbed my hand.
"Yeah, I lied about my identity. My name is really Nathan Triska. My friends call me danger." He said, "And, I'm dating your sister."
"Oh my gosh. I'm following you on musically, snapchat and Instagram. I love you sooo much." Aspen said.
"OK As, Don't scare him away like you do all of my other boyfriends" I said, "Where's mom and dad?"
"Upstairs.." She said.
"OK. Thanks." I said.
I swear my sister is a MAJOR Fangirl. Nathan and I walked upstairs and I knocked on my parents' door.
"Oh hey Han. Who's this gentleman?" My mom asked.
"This is my boyfriend. Nathan." I said.
"Hannah, isn't he a famous muser?" She asked. Almost in shock.
"Yes, Mrs. Jepson. I go to school with Hannah and I also live next to you." He said.
"Oh ok. What did you too need?" She asked.

"Do you mind if I take Hannah to Starbucks for alittle bit? It's right beside the school" He said.
"Yes, as long as Hannah takes her phone. Can I get your number?" She asked.
Nathan gave her his number and we were off. Walking to Starbucks.
When we got to Starbucks, he bought me an S'mores Frappuccino. We sat down andstarted talking.
"Sorry if I came off a little pushy. Chloe has just told me so much about youand I couldn't wait until I finally got to meet you." He said.
"No, It's fine. Why do you change your identity at the school?" I asked.
"I'm getting it changed back to Nathan Triska soon. I had it changed so thatgirls wouldn't know who I really was. People found out soon though." Heexplained.
We started talking and before I knew it, it was 10:30. I texted my momexplaining how sorry I was for missing curfew. She said it was fine and thatthey had taken Aspen and went back to New York to get more of our belongings. Shehad left the house key under the mat. She said as long as Nathans parentsallowed, I could stay over there if I wanted. They wouldn't be back for 3weeks. I told Nathan and we kept walking back to the house. When we got back, Igot to meet Nathans mom.

His middle name was danger.. but what did it really mean?Where stories live. Discover now