He doesnt care, He never did.

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  After the night was over and we were all settled back into the hotel, Brian called Nathan into the hall. I had no idea what it was about. I didn't think it was anything bad, so I didn't think anything about it.
"I need to talk to you." Loren said, "Privately."
We walked out in the hall.
"Hey Brian, sorry to bother you, were walking to Starbucks." Loren said.
We didn't walk quite that far. We walked down to the lobby.
"You do know what their talking about right? Nathan told you?" She said.
"No, Nathan hasn't told me anything. What's wrong?" I asked.
"Oh no, honey. I'm sorry."  She said, "Brian is making one of you leave tour, and Nathan volunteered to do it. He has flight tickets back to California tomorrow."
My phone buzzed. It was Nathan.
"Hey, Call me as soon as you can... I have something important to tell you."
"It's Nathan.. What do I say?" I asked Loren.
"Go to the bathroom and call him... I'll be waiting right here." She said.
I reluctantly found a bathroom and called Nathan.
"Is it true?" I asked.
"Is what true?" He asked.
Somehow, I felt like he knew what I was trying to get at.
"Are you really taking a plane back to California?" I asked.
"Yes. It will be Okay. You are only there for 2 more weeks, and then we finally get to see each other again. I leave at 8 tomorrow morning. I'm sorry."
I didn't know what to think. He wasn't sorry. He didn't care about my anxiety, he didn't care I was going to have to fly 14 more times, by myself. He didn't care that I was hurt. He wasn't sorry.
I ended the call and sat in the bathroom with my head against the wall crying.
"He knows." I texted Loren.
She walked in and hugged me.
"Aww. Don't cry baby girl. It will be ok. Do I  need to get Nathan down here??" She said.
"It's... *sigh* He didn't care. He never did."

His middle name was danger.. but what did it really mean?Where stories live. Discover now