Digi Tour here we come

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After Nathan finished the video, we went to sleep. We got up at 6 AM sharp. I was still nervous to go on tour, but it would have been worse if Nathan wasn't there. 
"Are you ready?" He asked hugging me. 
"Not really," I said. Showing the nervousness in my voice. 
"Don't be scared. It's just a bunch or screaming girls wanting attention!" He said. I busted out Laughing. Izzy walked in. 
"What are you guys laughing about?" She asked. 
"Oh nothing," Nathan said. 
"Oh yeah sure," Izzy said, "You're totally not laughing about nothing." 
"Ok, you two love birds, it's time to go," Izzy said. 
We got our suitcases and went downstairs. When we got downstairs, there was a limo outside waiting for us. We were apparently the last stop for Digi Tour. Zach, Loren, Tyler, and Mark were all in the limo waiting. 
"Hey guys." Nathan said as we walked in the limo. 
"Sup man." Mark and Tyler said. 
After meeting all of the people I would be touring with, I started to become more excited. Here we come BOSTON!

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