The best night ever.

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It was New Year's Eve. We have been home for a week. A week today. I have enjoyed this week with Nathan more than ever just because there wasn't any meet and greets, shows, or Brian. Now, I'm not saying I didn't enjoy Meeting people, it was that I could finally spend time with Nathan.  I was nervous because I would meet Nathans aunt, uncle, and grandma.
We didn't know what to do while we waited, so we decided to watch a movie. He chose Annabelle, and I chose Finding Dory. Somehow, Annabelle won. The best part was, I wasnt even the one getting scared. The majority of it was Nathan. Every time he got scared, he would cuddle up closer. Eventually, I fell asleep on him. I think we both fell asleep. Anyway, at about 7:30, Debra came in to wake us up, but of course, took a picture of us to savor the moment.
"Get up you too. It's 7:30!" She said.
Nathan didn't get up. I did. I went to the bathroom to brush my hair. As I was standing there, his mom walked in.
"Hey Hannah. I got you and Nathan something." She said.
"Oh. Debra! You didn't have too!" I said.
"Well, I already did. Here."
She handed me a hoodie. A limited edition Nathan Triska hoodie. The $99 one.
"Oh. Mama T!. You didnt have too" I said.
"Flip it over."
On the back, It said, "He's my king. 8/27/17" I started crying.
"His says, 'She's my queen. 8/27/17'" She said.
"Oh Mama T. Thank you so much." I said.
"That's not it." She said
She pulled out a genuine diamond ring.
"It's from Nathan. I think hes going to propose. It has your initials in it. NT+HJ."
My jaw dropped. I didnt know what to think.
His mom put it back.
Later that night, I met his family. We started the countdown to 2018. At 11:59, something happened.
"Hannah Jepson, I love you More than anything. We have been through ups and downs. I will always love you no matter what. Will you marry me?" Nathan said getting down on one knee.
I started crying and nodded yes at 12:00AM on January 1st 2018.

His middle name was danger.. but what did it really mean?Where stories live. Discover now