Airport In Boston ((PT 4.))

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I walked down the stairs to the Starbucks in our hotel. I saw Nathan standing there with flowers. The sad part of it, was I didn't make it to him. I had passed out. 
When I woke up, Nathan was sitting there crying, Loren looked concerned, Sarah also looked very concerned, and Mark was just trying to get Nathan to calm down. 
"What happened?" I asked. 
"You blacked out. It's going to be Okay. You hit your head pretty hard." Nathan said. I could immediately see the is relieve in his eyes.
The Paramedics arrived a little bit after I woke up, but by time they got there, I was normal. They checked my Vitals. I was fine. 
"Sarah, Do you want a CT scan just to make sure there is no brain damage?" Asked one of the Medics.

"Well I mean she is 16, What do you wanna do Hannah?" Asked Sarah. 
I looked at Nathan. He gave me the look like I should. So I did. Nathan came with me. 
The doctors did a CT and while we were waiting on the results.Nathan looked at me. 
"What's wrong baby?" I asked. 
"Nothing. Just that I feel bad for what happened. If I... Nevermind." He said. 
"Tell me. What? Does Aspen Know?" I asked. 
"Yeah. She was the one who told me to come back." He said. 
"Oh," I sighed, "I love you." I said smiling. He came over to me and took my hand in his soft, gentle hands. 
"I'm breaking up with you." Nathan said. 
"Oh." I said, as I started to cry. 
"Hannah chill. I'm just kidding. I love--"   

His middle name was danger.. but what did it really mean?Where stories live. Discover now