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After a 44 hours flight, we finally landed in Boston. I woke up 30 minutes before we landed, and Nathan 15 minutes before we landed. We snuggled pretty much the whole rest of the way to Boston. When we landed, I could have sworn I was going to die. I held on to Nathan harder than I ever had before. We got off the plane and got checked again by security. 
"How are we all feeling?" Zach asked. 
Everyone said that they were Ok besides me. 
"So, does everyone have everyone numbers?" Nathan asked. 
"I don't have Hannah's" Zach and Loren both said. 
We exchanged numbers and went to the hotel room.  All I wanted to do was sit in the room and cry. My anxiety skyrocketed from the airplane. I sat on the bed and pulled out my phone. 
"What's wrong and don't tell me nothing is wrong," Nathan said, sitting on the bed and snuggling up against me. 
"The anxiety. It's not going away. All I wanna do is go home but, I don't want to spend another 44 hours on an airplane." I said.
"It'll be OK. You have me here." He took my hand and interlocked his with mine.
All I could do was smile. All I could do is think how thankful I was to have someone in my life like Nathan. All the anxiety went away. Until Aspen sent me a text.
"Hannah. I need you now." She said.
"What's up Aspen?"
"Nathan is cheating on you."  

His middle name was danger.. but what did it really mean?Where stories live. Discover now