Airport in Boston ((PT.1))

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(Sorry Guys, I'm on my way home from Kennywood Park in Pittsburg PA.. I'm using my phone so bare with me.)
We packed up to leave. I honestly didn't want to leave, but I knew that I would just meet more amazing fans. The only thing between me and them, was an airplane. What Nathan didn't tell me was that the planes were split. Nathan wouldn't be with me on the plane. Loren wouldn't be with me. Zach wouldn't be with me. I would be all alone on a plane. Anxiety and all. Everyone would be taking their own planes. Everyone would be leaving right as the first one lands. Someone lands, someone leaves. But, Nathan was leaving first and I was leaving last. We got to the Airport for Nathan's flight.
"I don't want you to leave." I said to Nathan, Never wanting to let go.
"I don't want to leave either. But you know it's what we have to do."
I started crying. Not Waterfall crying, but crying. I knew I wouldn't see Nathan for 2 days. They called his flight. He picked me up and squeezed me tight.
"I love you Hannah Sarah." He said, "I'll talk to you on the plane. I promise."
As he started walking away, I felt like my world was coming to an end. He posted a picture of us on Snapchat.
"Miss my bbg already 😭"
Aspen saw it.
"What's up, Hannah? Are you OK?"
"Yeah, As. I'm OK. I think."
"Why is Nathan leaving?"
I'm sure Aspen was confused because she never really understood why I was touring or why I was dating Nathan.
"It's a really weird Tour thing. I'll explain later. I gotta go"
Loren tried to be the most calming person in my life at the moment.
"It'll be Ok. It's only going to be 2 days." She said.
"I know. " I said.
She took me back to the hotel room to wait until Zach left in 3 hours. 11 AM. They only scheduled 2 flights per day. Tomorrow was Loren. That left me and Mark. Tyler got kicked out. No one knew why. The bus came and took us back for a couple hours. I didn't know what was wrong with my body on the way to the room. My heart started racing and there was a million things going on in my mind. I didn't know if he would be Okay. Mark saw my fidgeting. We're still on a bus, so he called me to the bed rooms.
"Hannah, Sit down and breathe."
Through out this little trip, Mark and I have grown really close.
"I just want him to be Okay, that's all I want." I said, right as I started crying.
"It'll be Okay. He will be Okay. Don't worry." He said.
All I wanted was to stay on the bus. We got back to the hotel but, as soon as we got back to the hotel, it was time to leave to take Zach to the airport.
On the way back to the Airport, Nathan texted me.
"Hey. Are you Okay?"
"Yeah.. I'm better now ☺️😊" I said, "Can u FaceTime me please?"
"Yeah... just let me get my bags first." He said.
"Guys, Nathan landed." I announced to the bus.
"Awe! That's sweet that he texts his girlfriend before his own manager." Our amazing manager, Sarah said.
Nathan called me right as we were pulling into the airport.
"Hey. How are you feeling?" He asked.
"Better now that I know you're Okay." I said.
"Awe! This is why I love you."
I smiled, but my smile broke his phone. It ended.

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