Lost love - Xiumin (EXO) - pt2

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As time passed I slowly started to regain my identity. My memories would return one by one as if they were pieces of a puzzle slowly falling into place. But Xiumin had told me not to fuss to much on memories, because along with the good ones, came the bad. Yet I felt I needed to remember, otherwise it felt as if I was just stuck in someone else's life. It was better then before, definitely, but I felt odd not knowing how I got to the place I was.

Xiumin had been a great help though. After a week of living with my mother, I had to go back to my old house, the one I never even remembered living in.

When he saw the fear and uncertainty in my eyes, he had offered to live with me and I gladly accepted. He wasn't home much with practice and all but seeing him regularly helped calm my nerves. The rest of EXO visited a lot as well and I cooked and baked for them as they told me they had missed my cooking. I didn't even know I could bake until they asked me for my cookies. They told me little things about myself, yet I still didn't remember a lot after a month.

As for my job, the company I worked for pulled some strings and I was now working for SMentertainment as an event manager for multiple groups. It paid a lot better and I even got to work with EXO from time to time, or so I was told.

With my life going well I was bound to remember something, right?

"Noona!!" I heard Sehun yell from the front door.

"We're here!" Kai yelled as well. They all took their shoes of and came to the kitchen where I was cooking.

"What are you making?" Xiumin asked, placing a hand on my shoulder as he looked over at I was doing. Chen and Baekhyun gave each other a knowing look that was often shared among the members when they were all together.

"jjajangmyun and Dak Galbi. I was craving spicy chicken." she said.

"Oooh, she's getting cravings!" Chen mused, almost earning a wooden spoon to the head yet earning a lot of laughs from the other members.

"As long as she's not craving hyung, we're fine." I heard Kai mumble to Chanyeol.

"YA!" I yelled, this time actually throwing my spoon at his head, but sadly he dodged it.

"Go sit in the living room before I murder you all." I smiled shaking my head. Everyone did so except for Xiumin who stayed by my side and laid his head on my shoulder.

"You're not exactly helping their jokes." I chuckled as I shrugged him off.

"Who cares, they're just having a bit of fun." He shrugged and stood beside me, watching my every move.

"Why are you always watching me?" I wondered after a moment of silence.

"Because if I don't I might loose you again." he stated calmly

"Wow, heol, Goosebumps." (I know this sounds better in Korean, don't judge) I let out a breathy laugh at his cheesy comment.

"I mean it." his voice low and eyes focused on mine. This time Goosebumps actually formed on my skin, and I just stood there staring back at him.

I looked back at the food and cleared my throat. "Food's ready!" I yelled, quickly putting everything on the table.

"Yehet!" Sehun yelled as he came into the kitchen.
"Ohorat." I said as if out of pure instinct. They all stared at me in shock. "Ommo." I was shocked at the sudden memory gain.

"She's coming back to us!" Sehun said, finally feeling like he was getting his beloved noona back.
"Let's eat!"

I was cleaning up while the boys were either picking snacks in the nearby grocery store or bickering over what film to watch when Sehun came into the kitchen.

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