Coffee and notebooks - Jimin (BTS)

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Rainstorms can be so soothing sometimes don't you think? Feeling the warmth of a hot cup of coffee as you sit inside, next to the window. Just being able to monitor every single raindrop as it cascades down the glass.

She could hear the raindrops tap on the window, along to the soft melody that radiated from the one earbud that loosely sat in her ear. She calmly wrote in a not so neat handwriting on a piece of notebook paper, trying to write an essay that was due the week after. She found herself enjoying the calm study sessions at the back of the cafe. The secluded window seat that seemed to be left untouched by everyone but her had become almost like a second home. The coffee tasted like a cosy winter evening, the baristas were always smiling and friendly and no one really bothered one another.

She found herself coming there without reason other than her love for the place, working on stuff that didn't really need to be worked on just to pass time.

Every day after class, she'd make her way to the cafe. One earbud emitting a soft melody and a warm smile tugging at her lips as she walked through the rough wooden door, greeting the handsome barista that always seemed to be there for her to greet. He was the only one that was there every time she came, always bringer her regular latte macchiato with a sprinkle of chocolate as she liked it that way. He only seemed a few inches taller than her, had dark hair and a smile that could make anyone melt. She loved his voice, not that she would admit that to anyone, and couldn't help but glance over to the counter once in a while, hoping he would be there. What she hadn't notice however, was that his eyes would fall on her whenever he had a moment of rest, seeing her scribbling or typing away in pure concentrating, her hair messy as she tied it up quickly while working. The mere sight of her never failed to lighten his mood no matter how bad his day had gone before. He, Jimin, would always get teased by his colleagues at the bangtan cafe for staring, even his boss teased him for waiting at the front for her to arrive every day.

Yet one day seemed to flow differently. It was Friday evening, she didn't really have anything to do but she decided to go to the cafe anyway, not seeing the use of sitting in her dorm room all day, but as she walked in she didn't have anyone to greet. The familiar handsome face that she had found herself looking forward to, was nowhere to be found. She snapped out of it, moving from her spot in the doorway to sit at her usual seat in the back. She sat on the opposite side than she usually does, preventing her from looking over at the counter too often with nothing to see. But this also prevented her from seeing Jimin walk in just a while after her.

He walked over to Yoongi and Taehyung who stood at the counter.
"Don't worry, she just got here as well." Yoongi smiled as Jimin worriedly looked over to your table as she sat out of his line of sight. "She was looking for you too." Taehyung winked.
"She was." Jimin's grinned widened, suddenly hoping she didn't hear him in his ecstasy.
"Here you go, knock yourself out." Jin butted in, handing him two cups of coffee.

Jimin gathered his courage and walked over to your usual spot, coffees in hand. He had thought it over many times yet now he didn't know what to do. He arrived just as you stood up to order your drink. She looked up at him surprised as he put down the cup in front of her as she didn't expect him to be there at all. This time he looked different, he wasn't wearing his apron meaning he probably had the day off and his hair was messy from the wind yet one thing was the same, his warming smile she could never get enough of. He awkwardly greeted her, asking if he could sit with her, she simply nodded and motioned for him to sit, not finding the words. Jimin chuckled at her flushed face.

"My name's Jimin." He smiled.
"I'm Y/N." They fell into an awkward silence again, making the both of them laugh.
"I'm sorry, I just ..." He'd try to find words to explain his intentions but found himself quite speechless. "I couldn't help but sta ... ah that sounds wrong ... notice you. You know. Ah." He stumbled over his words making her giggle.
"It's okay, I couldn't help but stare at you either." She winked, suddenly a lot more confident because of his shy attempts. "Ah, I'm sorry." He said, hiding his blushing face in his hands before he realised what you had said. "Wait you ... really?" Her cheeks started to match the shade of his as she looked down but soon recovered.
"Are you a stalker?" She suddenly asked him, giving him a sideways look and he started to panic, not able to utter a single word except for no, a million times, making her laugh.
"Then let's have coffee together." She smiled, raising her cup with a teasing smile. No matter how awkward and embarrassing it was for him in the beginning, that certainly broke the ice and they could talk in comfort now. They became friends but the days went as they normally did.

She made her way into the café every day, greeting Jimin with a broad smile making her way to her regular spot, Jimin would secretly reserve it for her, and then she'd work yet one thing was different. He'd leave little messages on her cup that always brightened her day, the smile on her face as she read them brightening his.

'I hope your day is going great love'

'You look beautiful today'

'I love seeing you every day'

'I love your smile'

'You're amazing'

Until one day

'Go out with me'

This message certainly got her shy. So she packed her stuff, quickly writing a response on the cup, before leaving the café, leaving the cup on the counter. Jimin found it not long after, seeing her still walking down the street. He rushed his apron off him. "I'm going, I don't even care." He said before running after you. He ran as fast as he could, grabbing your wrist and spinning you around into his chest in a swift motion. "be mine." He sighed against your lips, lightly out of breath, before kissing you with all the love and passion he had bottled up inside.

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