Here with you - Taehyung (BTS)

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One of your best friends was a trainee at bighit and often worked late hours. knowing she didn't eat much whenever that was the case, you often brought over some leftover food late in the evening.This time you were running a bit later than usual and the building was practically completely empty, yet she was still there. The security let you in, already knowing you weren't some crazed fan, and you made your way up to the practice room.

"Y/N! Thank the lord I still have you." She sighed when she saw you and walked up. "I'm starving and I didn't even get the chance to take a proper break yet."
"Well It's not much, I only had Kimbap myself but I made sure to get extra." You smiled and handed her the bag she hugged you and you stayed for a while until she had to continue practising. As you slowly walked trough the dimmed hall, you noticed the immense storm out the window. You glanced at the streets from the third floor to see the streets completely empty and the trees barely withstanding the force of the wind. You sighed, mentally preparing yourself to run out into that storm, and you walked towards the elevator. The doors were about to fully close, when a hand stopped them. As they opened once more they revealed a handsome man, dressed in comfortable clothes, looking extremely exhausted. He gave you a slight bow and entered the elevator along with you. The doors closed once again and you stood there awkwardly, waiting for the elevator to descend.





Why isn't it changing anymore?
Goosebumps rode down your spine as you couldn't feel the elevator move anymore. Seconds the lights turned off, leaving you in darkness.
You searched for the buttons in the darkness, knowing fully well that this would do just about nothing.
"Are you okay?" You asked the man who was in the elevator with you.
"Yeah, I'm fine. You alright?"
"Yeah." you sighed "Do you have your phone? Mine's dead."
You heard him fumble around before a bright light emitted from his hand.
"Come here." He said taking you hand and pulling you to the back wall of the large metal box.
You stood next to him as he unlocked his phone, only to notice that there was no service. "I guess we'll just have to wait until the power turns on again." You sighed, sliding down to the floor to sit. He sat next to you, illuminating the small space just enough for you to make out his face.
"I'm Taehyung." He said.
"Y/N." You stated "So, you a trainee here?" You wondered, making him chuckle.
"No, I'm an idol. i'm in BTS."
"Oh." You said surprised "I'm sorry, I don't really have the time anymore to keep up with all of it." You chuckled nervously.
"It's okay." He smiled "So I'm guessing you don't work here either."
"No, I just drop of some food for a friend once in a while. She's a trainee." You said, Taehyung looked at you expectantly, seeing the worry on your face even in the dim light, so you continued. "She always trains till late hours and she barely finds time to eat or rest. So, after work, I eat, and bring her some food as well. She keeps telling me that once she makes it big, she won't have to train this late anymore, but I guess that's not true huh" You said, referring to him being there so late as well.
"It does get easier. But you'll always have to work hard, late nights are part of it I guess." he sighed, and as if on queue, his mouth widened as he let out a yawn.
"Is it really worth it?" you wondered out loud.
"I'd be lying if I said I've never wondered the same thing. But I do think so, yes. All the memories you create, all the support you get from your fan base, everything just makes the hard work worth it."

You two continued talking as if you'd known each other for years, and you hadn't even noticed an hour had passed when the power turned back on. The elevator jolted back to life and Taehyung helped you up. But as your leg had fallen asleep, you fell into him. "Sorry, my leg." a blush crept onto your face at how close you were but you could barely move away.
"Are you okay?"
"yeah, it's just asleep." You chuckled.
When the doors opened, you stumbled your way out, making Tae chuckle in amusement.
"It's past midnight, and still storming, you going to be okay?" Taehyung asked, walking with you towards the exit.
"I'll be fine, I'm just going to take a cab."
"Ah." He let out an uneasy breath. The two of you walked out and Taehyung stopped you before you could hail a taxi.
"Can you just give me your number? I don't trust it enough to just let you go." You smiled up at him as you typed your number into his phone. "I'll send you a message, text me when you get back safe okay?"
"Sure Tae." You grinned "See you ... See you later."
Taehyung grinned back at you at the sound of your words and watched you as you left before making his way to the dorm himself.

As soon as you turned on you phone, a new message popped up.

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