the child in you - Hoseok (BTS)

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You and hoseok had been friends since you were kids. People would often describe you as yin and yang. Even though he was a little shy when he was a kid, compared to you, he was a crazy active and outgoing kid. Yet the two of you were inseparable. That was until later at least. You went to different high schools and even though you still mailed each other (as you did in those times), you drifted apart. And after he moved, you barely heard anything from him anymore.

In one of his few mails, he had told you he was about to debut in a boygroup, and you were number one fan when the debuted. But now, years later, you had both lost complete track of each other.
You now lived in Seoul, had a decent job and were just living life as it was. You left your apartment to got to that of your neighbour. She was a woman in her late twenties with three young kids, practically taking care of them on her own as her husband was often abroad for work. So you would often babysit the oldest so she could work in peace while the two youngest slept. Youngdo was already a hand full on his own.

"Noona!" The four year old yelled as soon as he noticed you walk in. He practically jumped into your arms and you gladly set him on your hip.
"You want to go to the park?" You asked and he nodded excitedly.
"Oenni?!" You yelled, looking trough the apartment, and found her in Youngdo's room.
"Ah, Y/N. I'm so glad you're here. I haven't been able to do anything today and Youndo made a mess on top of that." You looked around at the toys that she was now cleaning up.
"Youngdo, that's not very nice. you should clean up after playing." You sat him down and patted his butt so he'd go clean himself. He wobbled towards his toys, quickly putting everything back in the boxes. She sighed, leaning into you as if you were really family.
"I don't get how you do it." She huffed
"It's because I'm not his mother." You stated matter of faculty "I'll take him to the park for a bit so you can have some peace and quiet."
"Actually," She started "could he sleep over at your place again? the twins are starting to get their teeth and he hasn't slept very well these past nights." you simply nodded in agreement. "All pick up his stuff later." You smiled as he just got done cleaning and started pulling your trousers.

You left for the park and seeing Youngdo wanted to play in the sand a bit after a while, you decided you'd draw a bit in your sketchbook. You often looked up to check on him and he'd always be sitting in that same spot, until suddenly he had wandered off. The park was practically enclosed so he couldn't have gone too far, so you calmly walked around, looking for him. You had literally just walked around the playground and you heard light crying, that was obviously Youngdo, from close to where you had previously been.

"Hey what's wrong little guy?" You heard a male voice, your view still blocked by playground equipment. Youngdo just kept sobbing 'noona' over and over.

"It's okay, let's find your Noona, alright?" The man said, picking him up and glancing around, Youndo's sobs calming a bit. You, however had already spotted them as you had run over, now standing not too far away, looking at them with a surprised yet caring smile.

"Youngdoyah~! I've been looking for you." You said teasingly, with a wide grin on your face. Hoseok turned to you and Youngdo immediately stretched his arms out to you. You took him from Hoseok and his small arms wrapped around your neck tightly. "Aigoo~" You giggled.
"Y/N?" Hoseok asked in disbelief, lowering his mouth mask.
"Hoseok." You smiled.
"It's been so long." He grinned, wanting to hug you but you were obviously taken at the moment. "We have to catch up." He stated.
"We can grab a coffee." You offered.
"Ah, we could, I mean, I can't really, idol and all remember, at least not around these parts. Maybe somewhere else?"
"Can't, I have to take care of Youngdo until tomorow." you sighed

"Then maybe I can come to your place? or is that weird?"
"Hoseok, we literally had sleepovers every week." You giggled
"Then let's do it again." He grinned
"Let's have a sleepover." He grinned, and you could never say no to that face.

As you walked to your apartment, Youngdo refused to walk on his own and just clung to you. but it was nearly impossible to even open your neighbour's door.
"Can you take him for a bit?" You asked and Youngdo gladly moved to Hoseok's arms as the tall man grinned down at him.
"I'll be right back, I just need to get his stuff." You smiled and he nodded.

When you came back with the bag, he had already fallen asleep in Hoseok's arms, and he was staring down at him as if fascinated by the small human.
"Come on." you giggled quietly and you made your way into your apartment, letting Hoseok place the little man in his bed in the guest bedroom.

"You're really good with kids." You smiled and he grinned down at you. The two of you sat on the couch for a while, reminiscing, until Jhope suddenly offered to make a fort. You laughed in disbelief but the two of you were soon sitting in your makeshift fort.
"Wah, you really bring back the kid in me." you giggled "I've missed this."
"I've missed you. I can't believe we lost track of each-other."

"You know, I lost hope for a while." you joked making him chuckle "but I knew we'd meet again some day." you leaned against his shoulder and he hummed in content. The both of you falling asleep in your fort.

The next morning, you woke up still there, Youngdo jumping around in the fort.
"Goodmorning little sunshine." You smiled, getting out with the ball of energy in your arms "Where'd Hoseok Hyung go?" You wondered as you didn't see him around anymore. "Hyung went to get breakfast. He's getting me pancakes." He grinned.

"But Youngdo, you know you can't eat pancakes. They'll make your tummy ache." You said, frowning in concern.
"I know, but hyung said he has special pancakes."
Soon enough, Hoseok was back and went straight to the kitchen.

"Hey hobi," You started in concern "Youngdo can't have pancakes, he's lactose intolerant." You said.
"I figured, he said pancakes and icecream make his tummy ache so I got the lactose free ones." He smiled and you couldn't help but grin a Cheshire grin.
"That's so sweet of you."

After you all ate your delicious pancakes, Youngdo went back to his mom, not before telling Hoseok to come over to play soon, and you two started to clean up the kitchen a bit as he had insisted. It was quiet for a while, until he suddenly spoke up.

"I like you." He smiled.
"ooh, I like you too." You grinned.
"No. Ah, how did I know this would happen." He sighed.
He turned towards you fully and repeated his words, and if this didn't get the message across, the single orange rose that rested in his hands sure did.
(orange rose meaning enthusiasm, passion, gratitude and most importantly, first love.)

"You've been my first love ever since we were young."

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