Cherryblossom in winter - Yoongi (BTS)

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One word, one word permanently marked on your skin. That was all it took to tell you, absolutely nothing. Everyone had one word, some would have a drawing, hinting at what the sign of your soulmate would be, what would happen once you met.


That's what your wrist read.

But you didn't really care. Only 32% of people actually found their soulmate, so why would you still bother looking. Love was weak and pitiful and people were cruel. You learned this first hand.

You even saw soulmates breaking up. They would get back together but who would you want to go through all that. Memories of two years ago ran trough your head as you stared at the cursive lettering.

"I'm sorry Y/N, but I can't be with you anymore." Mark announced, holding his head low so he wouldn't have to look you in the eye.

"Why?" You simply asked, almost emotionless

"I've found my soulmate. I'm sorry, I never meant to hur..."

"Save it." You interrupted, and made sure that was the last time you saw him or his soulmate.

You wrapped your hands around the warm cup of coco and wished to forget all that the world had done to you.

"Come on man, aren't you the least bit curious about your soulmate." You heard from the booth behind you.

"Who cares. What are you going to do when you find your soulmate? Drop everything you've been doing with your life and settle down? I'll just settle for a lifelong music career." The other man stated. You were kind of intrigued. You had never actually heard someone agree with you on this matter. Well, unknowingly agree.

"You don't have to give up your life for them." They argued.

"No but you have to give up yourself." You smiled to yourself knowing that you weren't the only one to think that way, and got up to leave.

You opened the door, back to the icy air. The cold breeze whizzed around your ears, causing your skin to tingle a little and you tucked your face further into your scarf. Snow was slowly making its way downward as you made your way to your bus stop.

You heard the snow crackle under your feet and the soft mumbles of people around you, until you heard a pair of familiar voices. As you were about to cross the street, you sneaked a glance at the two men behind you. It must have been the men from the café.

You crossed the street, to your bus stop, and your heard the men saying their goodbye behind you. As you stood there you saw one of them joining you at your spot. You continued to stare at the scenery around you, watching every snowflake in its tumble, until light specks of pick joined them in their fall.

You looked up with a certainly confused expression. You saw the once bare cherry bosom tree blossoming and loosing petals all in a matter of seconds.

Even though you didn't want to believe in all this, you couldn't help but wonder. You slowly uncovered your wrists to see that tiny snowflakes and flower petals had now made their way alongside the word's curving. You glanced over at the man beside you, who's gaze had fallen on your wrist, his own uncovered to show an identical marking. You pulled your sleeve back down and looked at the white covered pavement.

"I guess we're soulmates huh." He chuckled, almost scoffing.

"Seems so."

"I'm Yoongi." He smiled at you.

"Y/N." You simply stated, looking out as to watch for your bus to come.

"So, are you a believer?" he asked, and you looked at him again.

"Kind of. I mean, I believe what just happened is real, but I'm not really sure I'm all too jolly about it. Sorry, if , I mean ..." you tried to explain yourself but you'd be lying if you said you were just waiting to meet your soulmate.

"Don't worry. I kind of feel the same. I mean isn't it weird that people meet and five seconds later they're a couple just because of a little writing on their skin."

You chuckled, a light puff of air rolling off your lips, and you nodded in agreement.

"Although ..." He started "It would be kind off odd to just part ways now we've met don't you think."

"Seolma ..." you said in disbelief, thinking he was actually considering the whole idea.

"No, nothing like that." He said, already understanding what you meant "But like, ah I don't know." He sighed. He truly didn't know what it was he wanted. One moment he despised the idea of soulmates, and the other he didn't want to let go of this stranger, just like that.

You took a small piece of paper from your bag, scribbling a series of numbers on it before handing it to him.

"There, now we're acquainted, soulmate." You joked sarcastically making him chuckle.

You did stay friends, that's all you were though. You sometimes wondered if you should just go for it. He was an amazing man, talented, handsome and a lot more caring than you first made him out to be, plus he was your soulmate after all.

You had developed feelings for him and you were quite certain he had to, but you were bot busy people and you didn't want to expect anything from him.

People around you often thought you were a couple, and neither of you really cared. You were both happily single but failed to realise how much like a true couple the two of you acted. You'd spend a lot of time together, sleep over at each other's places, he would take you to happenings and you'd do the same.£

So when he asked you to accompany him to one of the most important happenings he had ever have to attend, you weren't all too surprised. So now there you stood, in your small apartment, wearing the most fancy and flattering dress you had ever owned, waiting for Yoongi to pick you up. He just walked in, without even a knock and walked to the livingroom where you were. "Yo soulmate! are you ready?" He called out, walking in. He halted the moment he saw you.

"Well don't you look handsome." You teased, making sure you had everything so you could leave. But Yoongi didn't answer.

You had always been beautiful to him, even tucked in 6 layers of clothing, but as breathtaking you always looked, this time you truly stole his breath away. His heartrate that often heightened when he was with you, now going haywire.

"Yoongi? You okay?" You asked, walking closer to him, honest concern in your eyes as you stood beautifully before him.

"I don't care anymore." His voice was barely above a whisper but you knew just what he meant when his lips connected with yours. The kiss wasn't hungry as you'd expect when having waited for so long. It was soft and gentle and loving. His touch running over your skin left goosebumps on its path. The scene of the pink petals in winter replayed itself behind your closed eyelids and you completely melted into his kiss, radiating as much love as he did. Yet you hesitantly pulled away. Now the concern was in his soft orbs, but it was quickly wiped away with a soft peck to his lips.

"Don't we have some important gathering to go to?" You asked, causing him to groan. placing his head in the crook of your neck seeing you were still in each others embrace.

"I wish I didn't have to go." He sighed "But, Y/N?"

You hummed for him to go on.

"Can we go as an actual couple this time?" he questioned.

"Yes." You stated simply "I mean we were bound to be together." He looked up at you and you winked

"Mister soulmate."

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