Only human (zombie) - Wonho (Monsta X)

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Hope has become such a futile thing in this world.

You felt like there was none but still carried on.

Not having hope but your own determination to carry you further.

You trailed across the empty road.

You always wondered why people thought the roads would be deserted when an Apocalypse actually came to be, but now realised it was because of the army's attempts to contain this plague. So there you walked, alone. The once crowded city now barely containing a living soul. Seeing the bodies scattered around had become a normal thing. At first, you'd try to pay your respects in some way, like covering them with white sheets or some kind of blanket you'd found, but there was no point in it anymore. You were starting to turn cold.

The sunlight was starting to soften, and you knew the zombies would soon be more active. You had been able to avoid them pretty well that day but knew that never lasted long. You were so sick of having to travel alone after some time being in a small, rather bothersome, group. It made you more afraid even though it should be easier travelling on your own, but there was no one to have your back. And you knew that sooner or later you would first hand find that this was true.

You noticed more and more zombies piling into the streets from wherever they did hide, and you kept close to the buildings, trying to find a place to stay the night.

Across the street there seemed to be a hotel of some kind and you decided that that would be your best bet. The only problem being that more and more zombies were wandering the streets by the second. The only possible way of getting inside was to just make a break for it and get through the door as fast as possible. But as you actually reached the door, having caught quite a few zombies' attention, you found that the door was locked. You cursed to yourself, grabbing a glass bottle that littered the street, throwing it far from you as a form of distraction as it made contact with the concrete with a loud clatter, pulling some zombies' attention off your presence as you ran to find another way in. You ran into the alleyway next to the building, hoping that there would at least be a door, a way through or up, anything. Yet you were only met with a brick wall blocking your path and a few dumpsters. Another curse word left your chapped lips as you saw at least 6 zombies joining you in the alleyway. You made your way onto one of the dumpsters knowing that it would be harder for them to get to you, but this also went the other way around. A crowbar isn't exactly the easiest thing to swing from above. You downed merely two zombies before one of them was able to grab at your ankle. You let out a loud shriek as your crowbar clashed with its head, seemingly wanting to stay fixed in its skull as no matter how hard you pulled, it wouldn't come out. Adrenaline pumped through your veins at an intense rate and you were quite certain you were done for. You felt something else graze your jeans and you let out another yelp, your head whipping to its direction, only to see the zombie fall to the floor, the others following soon behind as heavy gunshots echoed through the air.

You looked over at their owner, to see a toned man standing at the end of the alleyway, gun in hand. He ran towards you, helping you off the dumpster, not so subtly checking for any bites or scratches.
"You okay." He wondered staring down at you.

"Yes" You nodded, "And I am extremely grateful for your help, but you basically just lured them all here, so we need to get to safety right now." You rambled, taking his hand and pulling him out of the alleyway but as you were about to run to another building you felt him pull you back.
"My group and I already found shelter for the night, come on." He smiled.
"You guys better run! They're right on our ass!" A man you didn't notice before yelled from several meters away, another man accompanying him as they ran towards you. They had seemed to have left a trail of downed zombies behind but even more following them.
The man pulled you along, running faster than your feet could actually carry you.
He pushed open the heavy door of what seemed like warehouse, banging against it with his shoulder as he led you through. He let go of your hand as soon as you were inside and you held the door open for those who were clearly following behind.

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