A different chance - Jungkook (BTS)

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'I'm sorry, something came up.'
You scoffed at your phone as you read the simple message. You had been waiting outside the library for half an hour and that's all he can say. You put your frozen hands back in your warm pockets and made your way inside.

You knew why he had bailed on you. He had found another girl to waste his time with and every time he got a girlfriend, he would spend less time with you. Which you found normal before but now he was just going too far. Cancelling plans at the last minute was one thing, but he would full on ignore you sometimes, or leave early with whatever excuse he could come up with at the time. So, you decided to give him a taste of his own medicine.
You weren't really aiming to teach him a lesson to be honest. You were just tired of it all.

You sat down at an empty table and immediately someone came to join you.
"Hey, Y/N. Mind if I join." Taehyung, who was in your psychology class, asked.
"Sure Tae." You smiled. You guys never really hung out. He was often with his group of friends and you were with Jungkook and Yugyeom. Yugyeom had a completely different schedule then you so you barely hung out anymore as well, so now that Jungkook had become "too busy" for you, you were often alone. Taehyung had noticed that.

"What are you working for?" He suddenly asked.
"Philosophy." You smiled, briefly glancing over at him
"Really? Could you help me with the process theory? I'm a bit confused." He asked, an excited grin on his face, something that often complemented his features.
"Sure, I already covered that a few days ago so." You smiled. After that, you felt extremely comfortable around him and he would often come up to talk to you.

"Y/N! Come sit with us!" Taehyung grinned, waving you over as soon as you entered the classroom. You glanced at Jungkook sitting with his girlfriend in the back where you often sat and decided not to bother sitting with them. They never paid any notice to you anyway. You walked over to Taehyung's group of friends who had actually reserved a spot for you.
They all greeted you and introduced themselves and you could not help but love these guys.

Weeks passed by and you didn't care as much anymore that Jungkook didn't pay attention to you. It was his choice so now you had decided to spend your days with better company. But Jungkook had definitely noticed. He sat with his girlfriend in silence as he stared at your group of friends, laughing before class as usual. It annoyed him so much, every time he saw you, you were with "them", smiling and laughing and looking happy without him.
He found that seeing you with Yugyeom had even started to annoy him.

You were sitting in the library with Tae as you usually were at this moment in the week. You'd often help him with his philosophy and whatever else and he would do the same whenever he could.
"Okay, so process psychology is actually a kind of psychotherapeutic psychology ..." You explained as he was staring at you, listening intently. Until the two of you were interrupted.

"Y/N, can I talk to you for a second." Jungkook stood in front of you at the other side of the table and it pained him that you didn't smile as soon as you saw him, like you used to, like you did with Taehyung.
"Sure." You mumbled, standing up. You gave an apologetic nod in Taehyungs direction and followed behind Jungkook.

He abruptly turned back around, startling you and you bumped into his chest. You stumbled back, surprised at how close you were, and if Jungkook hadn't grabbed you arm, you might have fallen.
"So, what do you want?" You cleared your throat, straightening yourself out as you were slightly embarrassed at what had happened.
"What's up with you lately, who are all these guys you're hanging out with." His voice kept low as he seemed to be gritting his teeth, glancing over at Tae a few times.
"Am I not allowed to have friends now." You raised your eyebrow in disbelief.
"Yes, you are. Just... why don't you get yourself some girlfriends or something." He sighed annoyed.
"First of, screw you, you haven't talked to me in fucking weeks and now you dare to come tell me who to be friends with. And god damn second, you know I don't get along with all those basic Asian chicks around here. And third, 'all these guys' have been a lot better friends then you have been these past few months. So, excuse me, I have to get back to Tae." You scoffed and walked back to your table, leaving Jungkook behind, forever if you had to.
You didn't hate him that much that you would stop being friends with him, but you weren't going to put your energy into it any longer.

And he didn't seem to try too hard either. In the weeks after he'd try to talk to you, just small talk, but would immediately go back to his girlfriend, and the next, and the next.
He wasn't really a player, but he never seemed to really open up to any of them, so after a week or two, the relationship would end. They all expected him to change for them and you knew all too well this wasn't in his nature.

The campus was calm during Christmas break. Your parents were on Holiday, so you decided to stay at your dorm. You had the others to keep you company anyway. You walked across campus, dressed cosily walking towards the boy's dorm when you saw them gathered in front of the building.

"Omg guys!" You yelled excitedly, running up to the group; "look at this!"
"The drama and music department presents, boygroup competition?" Jimin read, questioning your intentions.
"You have to enter!" you mused excitedly.
"We're not a boygroup." Yoongi said, looking unamused.
"Says mister, I don't need air when I rap. Besides, the winner gets a chance to work with a real af idol company." You deadpanned and he just shrugged.
"I mean, I do have the looks of a celebrity." Jin joked.
"This could be fun!" Hoseok ginned, placing his hand on your shoulder as he stood behind you.
"What do you think? Just for the laughs." Taehyung offered, actually liking the idea. Most of them agreed or shrugged and you grinned. "Joon?" You smiled at him charmingly as he was the only one that had kept himself out of the conversation. "Sure." He sighed.

You were the only one that truly knew his musical talent. The others knew that he was somewhat good, but you would often spend late nights with him. You would still be studying, and he'd have finished, now working on music 'just for fun'. You knew he wanted to study music but decided otherwise, thinking it was the smarter path.

You grinned at all of them and Tae winked, happy to be doing this. "You guys will be so great!" You mused contently at your boys.

"I could do it too you know." A voice came from beside your group. You looked over at the boy, the circle around you breaking as they all looked at Jungkook who had interrupted.
"Oh really." You smirked, not believing he would. You knew he had the talent, he had the ability to do anything, but he wouldn't dare.
"Could you though." You questioned, giving him a daring look making him scoff in disbelief.
"You know better than that, of course I could."

"Why don't you join us then?" Hobi offered, kind of catching the daring atmosphere.
"Okay." He nodded, not looking away from you.

The boys decided to practice during the break, the competition being two months after. Jungkook had started to spend all his time with you and the boys. You would often notice the jealous looks from girls, being surrounded by these handsome men. You and Jungkook got close again but he was acting different, protective even. His ex-girlfriend had come up to you, blaming you for their breakup and he completely brushed her off, taking you away before she could really start.
But the jealous looks didn't always come from girls. You would often catch Jungkook staring at you with any of the guys with an obvious jealous look.

But you didn't want to confront him about it. You didn't want to lose him again. So, you kept your mouth shut, treating him like you treated the others. You had loved this boy for a long time and it was all the more reason to act like nothing was going on.

"Y/N! We did it, we won!" TaeHyung came running at you , the others close behind, messing around. Even Jungkook had gotten extremely close to them.
"You guys were amazing!" you cheered, a proud grin permanently plastered on your features. You hugged all of them and when you finally got to Jungkook, he practically picked you up in his tight embrace. You pulled you head back slightly so you could look at him with a smile. "I'm proud of you, golden boy." He chuckled and before you knew it, his lips were on yours. You could hear wolf whistles from behind you as you kissed back, placing your hand on his cheek and smiling into the kiss. He pulled back, a wide grin on his face and his nose scrunched before his face turned more serious as he came to a realisation.
"I love you Y/N and it took me way too long to see it. I'm sorry." He sighed and you kissed him once more.

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