Mission of the maknaes - Part 1 - Kai (EXO)

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A/N Little awkward ruling here. I'm writing two parts for this, but one part is about Kai and the other is about Sehun. So I'm going to give the girls names and you can switch their name with yours if you want.
Kai has AeMin
Sehun has HyeJin


"Oppa!" HyeJin called for her older brother, too bothered to get her butt of the couch as she was watching drama with her best friend AeMin.

"Ye!?" He yelled back, coming downstairs. Kai was putting on his shirt as he entered the room, causing AeMin to sit there in pure shock, now staring at the tv screen with wide eyes, not even caring about the running soldiers displayed there. (#guessthedrama :p)

"Wanna have a pool party?" She smiled up at him and he gave her an unamused look.

HyeJin was the kind of person that loved to hold parties and cook for lot's of people but was too awkward to invite anyone, plus she liked his friends.

AeMin on the other hand was more of the extroverted type so she was usually the one to actually initiate the idea of a party, but she sadly wasn't as close to the EXO members as HyeJin so Kai had become head of invitation much to his annoyance.

"I'll call them." He sighed and turned around, almost tripping over his precious poodles who soon ran to HyeJin.

"AND STOP STEALING MY CHILDREN!" He yelled, half a smile on his face before he went back upstairs.

"So, you planning to confess yet?" She turned to her friend, poking her cheek.

"Anni, I'm enjoying this." She said smiling cheekily.

"You're no fun." HyeJin sighed walking to the kitchen. She knew AeMin had a crush on her older brother and she wouldn't mind them getting together. Yet neither of them ever really took a step to become closer, leaving HyeJin to watch hell go down like an extremely frustrating drama.

"HyeJin!" AeMin yelled from the couch where she had been for half an hour now, scrolling trough her phone. They were together constantly so they didn't really care if they socialised the entire time or not.

"Ye!?" HyeJin yelled back.

"GIVE ME FOOD!" She yelled, actually getting of her lazy butt this time and entering the kitchen.

"The Ramyun is almost done." HyeJin smiled. "I just got off the phone with BeakAn eonni and they'll be here in a bit."

The girls were in a group called Black redemption with three other girls. So both groups enjoyed spending time together.

"Do you know when the boys will be here?" She asked.

AeMin shook her head "Well, could you ask my brother?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Sure." AeMin said before heading upstairs. "Kai-shi." She carefully said, knocking on his door before going in.

He was laying on his bed, listening to music, headphones on and eyes closed. He looked like an angel laying there with the subtle lighting from his window bouncing off his skin.

"Kai-shi" She said again, lightly poking his shoulder. He opened one eye to look up at her before taking of his headphones and sitting up completely.

"HyeJin asked me to ask when the others would be here." She stated.

"I thought Sehun called her, they can be here any minute now." Just as he said that, the sound of the bell echoed trough the house.

"Really, HyeJin pabo." AeMin mumbled walking back downstairs to see HyeJin letting everyone in, giving her a devilish look when she noticed her friend walking back down. Kai shuckled and followed behind.

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