Mission of the maknaes - pt2 - Sehun (EXO)

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HyeJin was cleaning up while everyone sat around listening to Chanyeol's, BaekAn's and DO's little performance.

Sehun trying to see if their plan was working but every time he glanced up, his eyes landed on HyeJin as she slowly made her way around the backyard.
Her subtle curls bouncing on her back as she swayed to the music. A smile crept on his face as he looked down at his hands.

"You should ask her out." DO said as he had stopped singing, earning a confused look from Sehun. "HyeJin, you'd be cute together."

"We're just friends." Sehun stated in response.

"Well, if you're not careful, you'll be just friends for a long time."

Sehun looked back up, his eyes searching for HyeJin, but she wasn't there anymore. An odd feeling of worry building up as if she would actually have gone.

But a sudden squeal soon gave notice of where she was. Sehun chuckled as he knew what had probably happened seeing her come outside, hand held to her mouth. He stood up and walked up to her, completely forgetting about DO's prior statement.

"So, where's my meat." he said, picking up the empty cups that remained and following her back inside.

"I guess you did do a good job." HyeJin chuckled. leaning on the kitchen counter and looking up at him.

"You guess? They kissed! I did an amazing job." He beamed at her, but she didn't seem as happy, as she looked down at her feet, a small but seemingly saddened smile on her face that even she couldn't explain.

"Did you have to kiss her though?" she asked.

"I didn't. Did it look like it? I thought I did a good job." again he smiled but not as brightly this time.

"Okay then, good." she smiled back at him, wrapping her arms around his torso. He knew she got clingy when ever she got tired so he was used to her hugging him, but this seemed different.

"Let's go on a date." he suddenly blurted out. Immediately wishing he could take back what he had just said. But he felt a rush off happiness flow trough him at her answer.

"Okay." she sighed snuggling into him, letting her eyes fall closed.

He chuckled wrapping his arms around her. At that moment everyone came inside and the two earned a few confused looks, not like hyeJin even noticed.

Sehun signalled that she was tired and they nodded in response before they walked to the living room to get their stuff.

DO gave Sehun a cheeky look before following behind.

"Hey." Sehun whispered, pocking her cheek. "sleep in your bed will you."

"Anni, I'm comfy." She mumbled causing him to chuckle once again. Before she knew it, she was lifted up and was being carried to her bedroom.

"Ya! what are you doing? I'm too heavy, you're going to hurt yourself." she said, yet her eyes fluttered closed again as she wrapped her arms around his neck, snuggling into him. He huffed, rolling his eyes. When he reached her room, he put her down in her bed, carefully taking off her shoes and tucking her in before turning around to leave

"Nooo, staaaay." She whined practically clinging to his arm.

"Your brother is going to kill me if I do that."

"I'd like to see him try." She mumbled, not letting go. "Besides, he's got his hands full at the moment."

Sehun smiled, knowing he wouldn't win this and he didn't really want to either so he laid down next to her and wrapped her in his arms making her sigh in content.

In the early morning Sehun woke up, having to go to the bathroom. He carefully pealed HyeJin's arms off him and walked out to the bathroom as quiet as possible. When he walked back out he was greeted by a sleepy Kai who was heading to the bathroom himself. Both their eyes widened at the sight of each other.

Sehun quickly ran to HyeJin's room and closed the door, leaning against it. HyeJin was siting up and looked up from her phone, cocking her head sideways at the very shocked boy that stood at her door.

"Kai saw me." He said, letting himself fall headfirst on her bed causing her to giggle.

"So, how about that date today."

"You remember?" he looked up, his cheeks stained a light pink.

"Of course. I was tired, not drunk" She giggled again. he smiled at her, he loved the sound of her laugh.

"Okay, let's do that then. What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. Let's eat first." She said gabbing his hand and pulling him to the kitchen.

He constantly clung to her back, his head resting on her shoulder as she cooked enough for four people, but he quickly let her go when he noticed Kai and AeMin walking in. He put his hands behind his back, looking down, making HyeJin shake her head in amusement.

"Oh, I wondered where you went" She said to her friend

"Shut up and give me coffee." AeMin mumbled.

"dan gyeol" hyeJin saluted her friend jokingly before giving her a mug of fresh coffee.

Meanwhile Kai walked up to the very nervous Sehun. Kai simply patted him on the shoulder, whispering a much expected "If you hurt her, I'll kill you." for only him to hear. Sehun quickly nodded in response.

"I hope you were safe." HyeJin nudged AeMin putting food onto the table.

"YA! Wanna die! I could ask you the same thing!" She said motioning to Sehun.

"Hey, do you think I would give up precious sleep after all the hard work I put into getting you two together." she laughed.

"Hey I did all the work!" Sehun said, stuffing his payment in his mouth.

"Speaking of which. Let's talk about you kissing my girlfriend." Kai said pointing his spoon at Sehun, HyeJin joining in the glaring party.

"WE DIDN'T KISS!" Both AeMin and Sehun protested at the same time.

"Then how about you kissing my sister." he continued earning a kick to the shins from HyeJin.

"We didn't kiss, yet." Sehun mumbled, focusing on playing with his food.

"Sleeping with her then." Kai shrugged.

"Oppa, that just sounds wrong." HyeJin giggled "Besides, you're not that innocent either." She said pointing a full spoon of rice at him in a threating manner before stuffing it in her mouth still glaring at him.

"Watch out, you might get fat." Kai teased pointing at her stuffed cheeks.

"That would just be even more cute." Sehun smiled to himself.

"Ya, I'm not cute!" She pouted making them all laugh as Sehun pinched her cheeks, earning a light slap to the chest.

"Na kungkoto gising kungkoto." AeMin said, doing her oh so famous Aegyo, causing hyeJin to squeal, hiding her face into Sehun's shoulder.

The four of them together was certainly something they could get used to.

A/N Apologies for the feaces worthy short story. I didn't really know where I was going with this one.

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