Frail - Jungkook (BTS)

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You arived at the dorm, which was dark and quiet as you expected. You walked straight to Jungkook's room to find a lump laying on his bed. Jungkook had huddled himself up in his blanket in a foetal position and even so you could still see him vigorously shaking.
"Jungkook." You said softly as you sat next to him. You noticed how pale his face was and the hair sticking to his soaking skin. He opened his eyes slightly but couldn't seem to look up at you as he let out a low hum. As you placed your hand against his forehead you could feel him burning up and you regretted not telling your boss to screw off and going to him the second you got the text.

You quickly went to the kitchen to look at the paper and you called Jin, hoping he'd be able to pick up. He immediately did, and you explained Jungkook's state and the both of you concluded that he was only getting worse. The doctor had said that this was normal but that you had to keep his fever down at all costs, so the best thing for you to do was take time off work in your opinion.

You patted a cold cloth all over Jungkook's skin as you called your boss, an earpiece in ear.
"What do you mean I can't? There aren't even any meetings planned." You argued. Jungkook overheard your conversation, the cold cloth waking him up enough for him to understand what as happening. In a way, he felt relieved that you wouldn't be able to stay, he didn't want you being there when he was that sick, but he knew that he needed you there as well.

Your boss allowed you to work from home for a week, much to Jungkook's unspoken dismay and you could finally focus on him again.
"How are you feeling?" You asked softly, not expecting much, and he merely shook his head, knowing he wouldn't be able to say much. You sighed, taking his temperature. He had a good 39 degrees centigrade but knowing he was up to 40 before, you were glad.
You let him rest and went to the kitchen to make some soup. You might not have been the best cook, but you knew what would get him better. You spent almost an hour cooking, going up to give him some medicine or to check up on him once in a while as the soup was on the stove.

You walked into the room carefully, holding a tray with soup and a bit of rice in hopes he'll eat. You place it on his bedside table and sat on the bed beside him, lightly stroking his hair from his forehead, trying to wake him as gently as possible.
"Kookie." You hummed and his eyes fluttered open "I made you some soup, you should eat."
He sighed but nodded, trying to sit up but couldn't without your help.
You placed the tray on his lap and helped him eat. He hated needing your help, but at the same time he loved you taking care of him. You were never this caring with him, so he was unintentionally enjoying it. A small smile managed to make its way onto his lips as he stared at you.
"What?" you wondered.

"Gomawoyo" his voice was hoarse and barely audible as the small thank you was the first thing he'd said in a few days, but you heard it loud and clear. You smiled at him and let him lay down again.
"Sleep." You whispered, kissing his forehead "I'll be in the living room, text me when you need me."

You spent the rest of the evening making sure if he was okay and working on your laptop before you fell asleep on the couch. All Jungkook wanted to do was fall asleep in your embrace but every time you even suggested staying in the same room for too long, he'd try to push you out, or at least away from him as he didn't want to get you sick. He didn't care how sick he was, he didn't want you being even half as sick.

You woke up very early in the morning and decided to go check on Jungkook, but didn't find him in bed. You knew he'd go to the toilet on his own but as you waited, it was taking him quite some time making you worry a bit. As soon as you were going to check on him, you heard a crash coming from the bathroom and rushed towards the door.
"Jungkook, are you okay in there?" You asked, but got no answer. You opened the door which was unlocked and found him sitting on the floor leaning against the bathtub. He looked exhausted and defeated. You kneeled next to him, taking his face in your hands.
"Hey, you okay." He nodded, and you could visibly see him swallow
"Wait here for a second okay?"
You got him a bottle of water and took his temperature.
"38.6, you're fever's going down." You smiled "What on earth were you trying to do?" you sighed
"I just felt icky. I wanted to" he had to swallow before continuing "clean up a bit."

"A bath could do you good." You nodded "Come on, I'll help you."

"I can do it." He mumbled as he attempted to get off the floor on his own, but he could barely even lift his arms high enough to reach the tub for support .

"You can't even move properly." You mumbled, taking his arm to support him as he got up. You let him sit on the toilet lid, starting to fill the tub before going to help him undress.
"I can take a bath on my own." He protested a bit but still let you pull his shirt over his head.

"Jungkook you act like I haven't seen you naked before, just let me help you." You knew just how much he didn't like seeming vulnerable, how much he hated needing help, but this was not a time for pride. He nodded and let you help him.

As he relaxed in the tub for a bit, you went to change his sheets, so he wouldn't have to lay in his own germs any longer and turned on the humidifier. When he noticed you walk back inside, he smiled a little. His hair was half soaped but it seemed he had given up. "Can you help me wash my hair?" You smiled at his request and nodded.

You helped him put on a new pair of sweats and a large shirt before helping him into bed, but he seemed to feel a lot better after the bath.
You were about to walk away as his eyes were already falling closed, but he grabbed your wrist before you could go. "Stay." A simple word that had such power over you.
You got under the covers with him and he immediately hugged your waist, nuzzling his face into your chest.

"Saranghae." He mumbled before drifting off to sleep.
"Nado Saranghae."

As the week passed, he gradually got better.

"You're looking good." You smiled as soon as he joined you in the livingroom.
"It's probably all the dakjuk you've been feeding me." He chuckled, sitting next to you and snuggling your waist.
"What are you doing?" he wondered, looking at the long text you were typing on your laptop.
"Just work. I couldn't get time off work so I'm working from here." He stated. He nodded, and it was silent for a moment. He was snuggled into your shoulder while you worked and by his soft breathing, you would have thought he was asleep.
"Gomawoyo." He suddenly spoke.
"Why do you keep thanking me?" You giggled, and he pulled away, yet his hands stayed rested along your waist.
"Well, you've done a lot for me this past week."
"Then why wouldn't you let me help you at first?" you looked away from your laptop and as you turned towards him you could see him already staring at you.
"Well one, I didn't want to get you sick, and two, it hurt my pride okay." He said and you grinned.
"Okay then, one, I've already had glandular fever a few years back and it's unlikely I get it twice. I was probably the one that got you sick in the first place." A look of shock and fake hurt made it's way on his features making you giggle again but you continued "and two, you don't need pride with me, I already think you're an amazing, perfect man, and no sickness will change that." You grinned, taking his face in your hands and he scrunched his nose up with a smile.
"How dare you be so cheesy and perfect at the same time." He mumbled pecking your lips


"Kookie stop it!"

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