Healing touch - Lay (EXO)

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I guess this is angsty fluff? I'm not even sure? Am I some kind of Aussie making everything into a question? Because I'm too unsure to actually make a statement? That was kind of racist?

Seriously though I have no idea what this actually is so let me just give you the general gist here.
There was an accident at the concert hall where EXO was performing. Lay and Y/N got trapped for hours while Lay was in dire need of medical care.
Basically lots of serious ass situations.

Trigger warning: Mention of being trapped, pain, blood, ...
Stupidity warning: I probably went way off character but yea, story of my sad author life tbh.

Chaos reigned  over the concert hall. Fans running left and right to get back to the outside world. They couldn't care less about the people that they claimed to do so much for, even just to see them, yet now these people seemed to have been forgotten under the rubble.
Because of a terrible storm, part of the ceiling of the concert hall had fallen down and onto the stage. A rescue team had already arrived and their main focus now was to get all capable people out as fast as possible so they could reach those who were more severely injured or stuck.
Two doctors were urged towards the stage area as the rest stayed outside, safety vests tightened and helmets secured as the building wasn't stabilised yet.
"Do we know how many people are approximately still here?" Y/N asked as she arrived at the rescuers that were already inside.
"They did a headcount and there are about 30 people still missing, Including the performers. Team one is already trying to get some out from under the rubble on the left side but we don't know how many of them are there. We think the stage might have dropped and some of the performers might be under there." One of the men informed.
Nari, The other doctor, joined the team on the left side of the stage and Y/N joined the team on the right. They went in as soon as the rest of the medics, that were supposed to be there, arrived.
After a long while, only 3 more people were missing, 1 performer and 2 staff members, so the search continued after the doctors had done what they needed before getting the injured out to the other medical team.
"We can't get trough here, the passageway is too small." The head of the team said.
"But there is obviously more open space on the other side, what if there's someone there." Y/N reasoned.
"Then we'll find them when we take away the rubble." He deadpanned
"No! That's too dangerous! It might kill them." She argued against his statement but his face stayed stern.
"None of my men fit trough that gap."

She saw that there was no reasoning with this man, but she had that same aspect to her.
"Then I'm going alone."
She said matter of faculty causing a low grumble to emit from his chest.
"Fine but once the order is given, we're not waiting for you to get out."
"Fine." She said before crawling trough the narrow space.
When she got trough, it was possible for her to walk, back hunched down slightly.
She heard a groan echo trough the narrow hall, coming from up ahead, and she started walking faster.
When she saw someone laying there, she rushed to him. She immediately dropped her kit next to her so she could examine him.

"Are you okay?" she asked. "Are you hurt?" She started taking his pulse and examined him for any visible injuries.
"My leg hurts" He groaned
"Can you tell me your name?" She asked checking for any head trauma.
"Full name sweetheart." She said in a seemingly sarcastic tone but that was just her way of speech.
"Zhang Yixing" He said sounding slightly more hesitant this time, showing that he might have a slight concussion but nothing severe.
"How long have I been down here?" He wondered.
"Almost 3 hours now." she answered before examining his leg.

"The last performer has been found under the rubble." She said trough the walkie talkie."He's injured but conscious." She got a sign of conformation from the other end and attached the talkie to her waist band again.

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