One touch - Kihyun (MonstaX)

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Humans and monsters alike are always searching for a place they fit in, for the monsters this has proven to be that bit more difficult. You had found this to be true first hand. You were born a human hundreds of years ago. When you were about 18 years old you became ill. At that time and age there was not a lot of knowledge about the illness going around, let alone ghost flue. You had been stalked by a ghost and became sick which fated you to become a ghost as well but your father, a vampire since after you were born, wouldn't just let you die and decided to change you as he had failed to save your mother 13 years prior. But one does not simply get rid of the ghost flue.

You became a hybrid that many said to be impossible. A ghost and vampire isn't quite the most logical combination, so even when you tried to fit in in a town filled with monsters, you still seemed like an outcast. So, you moved yet again, this time to a rather small town of monsters. It only had a small shop centre, two schools, of which one high school, and a small park.

It was a quiet town, had been for decades, yet when October struck the town became more livid than any other of that size. Earning them their name of Halloween Town. Or HaloTown to humans who passed through ever so often.

As your father had dropped you of in front of the large building, you made your way through the school's dark corridors. Not that it was badly lit or anything everything was just painted in a rather dark tint, that and it was badly lit. Don't want them vamps getting UV eye.

Anyways you got your necessities at the main desk and made your way to your first class, Creature studies, which is a slightly odd subject seeing half the creatures mentioned in class were in fact in the school but you didn't really think any further of it and just listened to the lecture.
As usual, you were stared at by all, for one because you were new and the other reason was probably because you looked slightly different from your normal vampire.
Your pale skin shone differently and your eyes were a very light grey instead of a deep red, vampires are also said to be inhumanly beautiful yet you thought you just looked undead to most.

Word spread fast about the new girl and you were soon approached by the vamps of the school. Vampires always seemed to flock together, pun intended, and it was no secret that in every school they always went for new recruits. You had excepted the offer to join the vamp clique a few times before as they were like pops and jocks in the human towns but it never ended well so you found it best to decline.
"Fine, your loss." The girl chimed coldly and immediately turned her back on you with the other unbelievably perfect girls behind her. Their hair flowed behind them and you could still feel their aura as they left.

You went on with your day, going through classes, not really caring about finding friends anymore as it was often waisted time. Not that you were antisocial but you couldn't find yourself to care anymore. What a pitiful everlasting existence.
You heard the booming sound of the school bell bounce through the halls signalling the end of the day and you slowly made your way to your locker.

"Ah, I knew it. I can a new vampire from a mile away. And you have a rather unique scent to you at that." An unknown voice said from beside you. You close your locker to see a tall muscular vampire leaning against the locker next to yours.
"That's not creepy at all." You deadpanned.
"That's what we do sweetheart." You simply scoffed and stepped to go on your way but he blocked your path with his broad ass shoulders, looking down at you with a smirk gracing his features. Vampires were always seen as quite cool and seductive but this man right here was just over the top.
"I'm Wonho. And you are?" He said smugly.
"Not interested. Look, I'm not joining your little group of vamps, thank you, so please leave me alone."
"Believe me sweetheart, I'm not part of that little clique. Too much drama." Wonho stated simply and followed you as you yet again tried to get away from him. "But I found it interesting that YOU weren't flocking with them yet. You're quite something aren't you?"
"Is that an insult or a compliment?" You asked this time actually turning to him.
"That's what I'd like to find out." He said, honestly curious about you. You chuckled and turned towards the exit again.
"I wouldn't go out yet if I were you." He yelled from behind you.
"And why is that?" You yelled back.
"It may be October but It's still bright out." You had just reached the doors and realised he was right. It was only four in the afternoon but you didn't expect it to be this bright out.
"Come on, there's a room where we're allowed to stay until it's dark out." He motioned.

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