Chapter 2: Sad

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Natsu was about to go on this knees but, Lucy's phone rang. She answered it.

"Hey Levy, what's up."

"Oh nothing I'm just in the hospital."

"The hospital, what happened."

"Well it's a long story but, me and Gajeel were at the beach and I got my arm bitten off.

"I'm going there right now."

Lucy hung up. She started running.

"Where are you going?"

"Levy and Gajeel are in the hospital and I'm going to see them."

"Then I'll come too."

Natsu and Lucy ran to the hospital and they totally forgot about the food that they left on the ground.

Natsu was kind of sad that he didn't tell Lucy the question that he has been waiting to tell for about a year. Since she just turned 18 last week.

They ran to the other side of Magnolia and they got to the hospital. They got inside and asked the woman on the front desk for the room.

"What room is Levy Mcgarden in,"Lucy asked.

"She is in room 330 on the third floor."

"They both went to the elevator and Natsu pressed the button that had a three on it. They went up to the third floor and ran passed 29 rooms and stopped at the 30th. They looked up and checked the number and went inside. They saw Levy in a bed and Gajeel standing right next to her. And they were both kissing. Lucy and Natsu looked discussed.

"Why were the both of you kissing,"Natsu asked.

The both of them went to them.

"We can do that know because we're married,"Levy said.

"You guys are married,Lucy said.

"Yep,"said Gajeel.

Lucy was so happy for them.

"How come we weren't invited,"Natsu asked.

"You said that you couldn't come,"said Levy.

"Levy, let me see your arm,"Lucy said.

She took her arm out of the covers. It marks on it as if it was shark teeth.

"Levy who do you want me to kill,"Natsu said.

"No someone didn't do it a shark did."

"We were in the beach,"Gajeel added.

Lucy felt bad for Levy.

"So how did this happen,"Lucy asked.

"Well we were in the beach and in the water. Gajeel and I were playing around. Then we had a swimming race. So we saw that there was a cone thingy and Gajeel said that we would stop there. We raced and the both of us did not look where we were going and we went past the cone. Then we were in the side where the sharks were. There were a bunch of sharks around us and we didn't know what to do. So Gajeel started hitting the sharks so they can go away but it didn't work and they came to me and bit me."

"It was all my falt,"said Gajeel.

Natsu said that he had to go. He left sad. He really wanted to tell Lucy. If it wasn't for Levy's phone call.

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