Chapter 4: Will U Marry Me

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Lucy looked at him and blushed.

"But, why'd you choose me."

"Because...Lucy I love you and I always have. You are the love of my life."

Everyone said aww.

"So let me say it again. Will you marry me."

Lucy was standing there blushing while the rest of them were looking at them like complete weirdos. But then Lucy said something.

"This is a very huge decision in my life but I'm ready to answer"

Everyone clapped and cheered for them. Makarov was smiling. Natsu put the ring on Lucy's finger. Then he stood up and they hugged each other. Lucy was crying tears of joy.

Then it happened to be that Lisanna was walking by when he saw that Natsu was hugging Lucy. She got upset but she didn't want to start an argument. She decided to go home and cry.

The both of them stopped hugging and Levy went up to Lucy and Makarov went up to Natsu.

"I'm so happy for you,"Levy said happily.

"And I'm happy for you the doctor said that your arm is okay."

"Yeah but Lucy this is life changing. You get to have a husband and a child. Maybe even more than one."

"No no no no. No. I don't want to have any kids. It's just too much work."

Makarov was talking to Natsu.



"So what are you planning for the future."

"I don't know. Whatever it takes us."

"Any kids."

"No not looking forward to that...well...maybe just one. I have to see if Lucy wants any."

It was 8:00 and everyone decided to go home. Lucy and Natsu decided that they should go to Natsu's house. When they went inside Lucy was surprised that it was so clean. She sat on the couch with Natsu. She was laying on his shoulder. Happy came out of his bedroom with a fish in his hand. He saw that Natsu and Lucy were kissing. She looked at them with a discussed face. He thought that they way they were kissing was weird. He went back in his room and got back out and they stopped. Then Lucy put her hand up and showed Happy her engagement ring. Natsu smiled.

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