Chapter 15: Parenthood

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"Congratulations it's.......twins. One girl and one boy."

Natsu and Lucy were only wanted one child.

The doctor gave Lucy the both of the children. Happy brung over a few people. Erza, Levy, Gray, and Juvia. All of them looked so happy.

"So what are their names," Erza asked.

"The girl is Nashi and the boy is Nalu."

"Oh you chose the names I picked,"


The Next Day

Nalu and Nashi were home sleeping in their crib. Natsu and Lucy were sitting on the couch. Then someone was knocking the door. Lucy got up from the couch and opened it.

"Hey Levy."

"Hi Lucy, so how are they doing."


"So since Jet and Droy wanted to go on a job by themselves I wanted the both of us to go on one together."

Lucy looked excited but then she looked at Nalu and Nashi's room and frowned. She was about to talk but Natsu said something.

"Don't worry Lucy Ill take care of the kids."

"Are you sure."

"One hundred percent."

She kissed  Natsu on the cheek.

"Thanks Natsu you're the best."

Lucy and Levy went out.

A few hours later

It was 12:00 and Natsu and Happy was trying to go asleep but Nalu  kept waking them up. Nashi was sound asleep.

Nalu cried again. Natsu got out from the bed and went to the room.

"How is Nashi still asleep,"Natsu asked himself.

Then he tapped Nashi to make sure if she wasn't dead. Then she woke up and started crying.

"You're so stupid,"he said to himself.

Then he carried the both of them and sat down in the rocking chair and rocked them to sleep. An hour later Lucy came back and didn't see Natsu in the living room or the bedroom. Then she checked in the other room and saw Natsu sleeping in the rocking chair with Nashi and Nalu. She smiled and put Nalu and Nashi back in their crib and told Natsu to wake up and go back in bed.

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