Chapter 16: Another Day of Parenthood

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Natsu and Lucy woke up from a very crazy night. Natsu didn't see Happy anywhere in the house and he got worried. Then he opened the door and checked outside of the house. He saw Happy peacefully sleeping on this bed. He tried to wake him up but nothing would work. Then he came up with an idea.

"Look food."

Happy jumped out of the bed quickly.

"Food...where,"Happy said as he looked in all directions.

"I'm just kidding. I said that so you can wake up."

Lucy went outside.

"Happy why are you here."

"Because it's more quiet out here.

"Really,"Lucy and Natsu said in unison.

"Yeah all you can hear are the crickets. They help me fall asleep."

Well suit yourself,"said Lucy.

Natsu and Lucy went in the house.

Lucy went to Nashi and Nalu's bedroom and she picked up Nashi. Natsu did the same and picked up Nalu. The both of them gave them milk in a bottle. Happy went inside the house for some fish. When Happy sat down on the couch he happen to sit right next to Lucy and she was holding Nashi in her arms. Nashi saw Happy and giggled. Lucy smiled. Then Nashi held out her hand and started pulling on Happy's tail. Happy tried to walk away but Nashi wouldn't let go of his tail.

Then Lucy put Nashi on the ground and she started chasing Happy. Nalu was trying to squeeze out of Natsu's arms and crawled up to Happy and chased him. Natsu and Lucy giggled.

Sorry it was boring I'm tired

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