Chapter 24: Noooo

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Natsu, Lucy, Nashi, and Happy were in the house. Natsu and Lucy were talking about something on the couch while Nashi was playing with Happy in her room as usual.

"You know how Lisanna is getting very...annoying,"Lucy said.

"Yeah,"Natsu replied.

"Well...I think that..."


"I think we should move. Move to a far away place so she can't hurt any of us."

"But, that would mean that we would have to get out of the guild."

Lucy nodded.

"But Lucy I don't want to get out."

"Me neither but Nashi can get killed with Lisanna around. Do you want that."

"No...not at all but, Nashi wants to be a wizard."

"We would just join another guild."

"Yeah but she wants to be a Fairy Tail wizard. And anyway if we join another guild Lisanna would be able to find us."

"That's true. I don't know what to do," Lucy said as she got up from the couch.

Natsu looked at her while she got up. Natsu decided to go to the guild.

When he got there Romeo patted the seat right next to him telling him to sit down. Natsu walked up to him and sat down right next to him.

"So what did you call me for."

"Um...I need some advice."

"Okay for what."

"A girl I like."

Natsu laughed.

"Romeo all of the girls here are a little too old for you."

"No not them."

"Then who."


The both of them looked at her. She was talking to Mira. Then they turned back to each other.

"So I need your help."

"Why me."

"Because you were able to get a girl. And also're like my big brother."

Natsu smiled.

"Okay little bro the first thing is to be yourself. A girl likes a man who is not afraid to be themselves."

Romeo nodded.

"The second thing is that you have to be nice to her."

Romeo nodded again.

"And that's really it."

"Yeah but...what if Wendy doesn't like who I am or what if try to be nice to her and she doesn't like it."


"I don't know what to do."

Romeo walked away.

Then Natsu decided to go back home. When he got home Happy was crying and Lucy looked unconscious. They were both on the floor and there was blood everywhere. The furniture was ruined and the house smelled bad. Natsu ran up to the both of them. They were hurt very badly.

"Are the both of you okay."

"What does it look like,"Happy said.

"Okay but where's Nashi."

"I think she is in her bedroom."

Natsu ran to her room and she was on the floor. Natsu hoped that she was unconscious. Her picked up the three of them and he ran to the hospital.

Five minutes later

The four of them were in the hospital room. Natsu was leaning against the wall. Then he walked up to Happy's bed since he was still awake.

"So what happened."

"I'm sorry...I don't remember."

Then the doctor came in. He checked the three of them one more time. Then he walked up to Natsu and whispered something in his ear. While he was whispering he started crying. The doctor had nothing more to say and he stopped whispering.

"Noooo, this can't be,"Natsu cried.

The End

Would you guys like me to make a sequel when I return. Let me know in the comments. And also what was your favorite part.

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