Chapter 22: In the Club

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Natsu and Lucy were at a club with most of the people in the guild. Nashi was with Makarov because he volunteered to take care of her.

Since there was a new club that opened up in Magnolia most of the people in the Fairy Tail guild decided to go since there were other guilds there. Natsu and Lucy were the last ones to get there. When they got there Gray was talking to Lyon. Erza was talking to Millianna and Jellal. Lucy went up and started talking to Levy. Natsu didn't know who else to talk to so he went up to Gajeel and started talking to him. Gajeel was drinking some beer at the moment.

"Why are you talking to me flame-brain."

"Because I have free will."

"Whatever. If you are going to talk to me at least have some beer,"Gajeel said as he handed Natsu a beer bottle.

"So flame-brain why did you not take Nalu to Juvia and Gray's wedding."

"How did you know that he wasn't there."

"We sat in the row behind you and I only saw you Nashi and blonde."

"Oh well...Lisanna killed him."

Gajeel looked shocked. He got a three bottles of beer and drank them.

"What...Lisanna is the type of person who wouldn't do that."

"Well she did it."

While Natsu was talking to Gajeel Lucy was talking to Levy. They looked very excited to be talking to each other.

"So Levy how was your last job."

"It was good."

Erza was talking to Jellal and they started to get...real.

The both of them were in the bathroom having sex.

"Yes,"Erza moaned.

"This feels sooo good,"Jellal replied.

"Do it faster,"Erza said.

The both of them started kissing each other with their tongues.

"Hey didn't you say that you had a fiancé,"Erza said.

Jellal looked kind of worried.

"I was just kidding about that. Please don't kill me."

Erza was thinking about it.

"So I could've had my first kiss on a beautiful beach with a sunset and you lied to me saying that you had a fiancé. That could've been the perfect kiss idiot."

"Okay but, we can have it in the back of a club."

Erza put her face towards him and the both of them kissed.

Levy and Lucy were still talking to each other.

"Where's Erza,"Lucy asked.

"Well Jellal and her got drunk and they are doing....stuff if you know what I mean."


Gajeel and Natsu were just drinking beer the entire time with Cana. Natsu was the first one to get drunk. Then Gajeel, then Cana. Natsu went up to Lucy. Lucy was drunk.

"Hey Natsu can you rub me here so I can purr,"Lucy said as she pointed to her chin.

Natsu rubbed her chin and Lucy started meowing. Levy was also drunk. She couldn't stop laughing. She began to smash the beer bottles that she drank.

Meanwhile Gray was outside smoking. Juvia went out to get fresh air and she happened to see him.

"Juvia didn't know that you smoke,"Juvia said.

"Um...well I do."

"Juvia is worried that you will get lung cancer."

"Don't worry I'm not addicted."

"Good,"Juvia said as she went inside.

Mostly everyone in the club were drunk. They were having a lot of fun.

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