Chapter 13: Getting Ready

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One Month Later

It has been already been almost exactly nine months since Lucy was pregnant. They only needed one more day so it can be exactly nine months. Natsu and her were so excited to become parents. They couldn't wait.

The both of them were in the bedroom laying on the bed.

"Oh I forgot,"Lucy said.


"We forgot to decide on a name for the baby."

"Yeah we did."

"Do you have any ideas."

"Nope, do you."

"Nope, but Levy gave me some ideas for the name. She said that if it's a boy we should name it Nalu and if it's a girl we should name it Nashi."

"Okay, I like it do you."


"Then it's official."

Meanwhile Happy was getting some stuff for the baby. Carla decided to go along with him.

"So we finally made it. What do we get,"Happy asked.

"I can't believe they made you get the supplies. You would be lost without me."

Carla started walking and Happy followed her. Carla got a shopping cart and got dippers, toys, clothes.

"Wait Carla,"Happy said as she grabbed the shirt from the self.


"We don't even know if the baby is going to be a boy or a girl."

"Yeah I know, I'm going to get the same amount of girl clothes as boys."

"Ohhh, okay."

Carla rolled her eyes and kept going what she was doing.

When they were done picking out whatever they needed to they went to the cashier. The cashier was so confused. Flying cats buying baby stuff was weird to him. The entire time they were up at the cash register he stared at them with a funny face. After the cashier was finished the both of them went to the house.

When the both of them got to the house they placed everything in the second bedroom. Natsu came out of his room to see what they were doing.

"Why do I have to give up my room,"Happy complained to Natsu.

"Because we told you so."

Happy looked sad.

When they were finished Carla left and Natsu got back on the bed with Lucy.

"Do you want anything my princess."

"The only thing I want is your penis."

Natsu didn't know what to do.

"I'm just kidding."

"Natsu was relieved.

"Can I get some ice cream."

"But you had so much today."

" it for the baby."

"...okay fine."

Natsu got the ice cream out of the freezer and gave it to Lucy.

"Thanks,"Lucy said as she kissed him on the cheek.

Natsu blushed.

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