Chapter 18: Nalu

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Natsu was at home with Nalu. Lucy and Happy were buying groceries and Nashi wanted to go with them and she did. Natsu went to the bathroom while Nalu was in his bedroom playing with his toys.

Then out of nowhere someone came through an open window. It was....Lisanna. She came in the house with a knife. Nalu looked at her with fear. Lisanna whispered.

"Have any last words."

"Daddy,"Nalu cried out.

Natsu came running out of the bathroom and went into Nalu's bedroom and saw that Lisanna was with a knife. Nalu turned to Natsu.

"Daddy,"Nalu cried.

"Natsu ran up to Nalu but it was too late. Lisanna stabbed him in the heart.

"Daddy,"Nalu screamed.

Natsu looked so terrified. He couldn't even believe that he was going to see his son die in front of his eyes. He was shaking in fear.


"You could of married me when you had the chance."

Natsu walked up to Nalu. He was almost dead.

"Nalu...can you hear me."

"Yes daddy."

"I'm so sorry."

"It's okay daddy."

Natsu started to cry. Nalu also cried. Natsu kissed Nalu on the cheek.

"Nalu I going to miss you."

"Don't worry daddy. You and mommy did good,"Nalu's voice started to fade.

"I love you."

"I love you too daddy."

Natsu punched Lisanna unconscious. Then he texted Mira.

Natsu: Hey Mira

Mira: Yes

Natsu: Can you pick up Lisanna for me

Mira: What did she do this time

Natsu: 😔

Mira: What happened

Natsu: You probably wouldn't believe me but....she killed Nalu

Mira: I'm coming right now

Natsu was on the couch. Then Lucy opened the door.

"We're home,"Lucy said happily.

"Nalu look what I got you,"Nashi yelled as she ran to the bedroom.

Natsu grabbed Nashi by the shirt so she couldn't go in the bedroom.

"Natsu let her go see her brother,"Lucy commanded.

"Nashi can you go in mommy and daddy's bedroom for a little,"Natsu asked.

Nashi went into her parents bedroom and Lucy looked so confused.

"Why did you sent Nashi into our bedroom."

"Lucy sit right next to me."

Lucy sat on the couch.


Natsu started to cry.

"Natsu what's wrong."

"Nalu...he's..........dead. Lisanna killed him."

"Do you really think that I'm going to believe that."

Lucy got up from the couch and walked to Nalu and Nashi's bedroom. Lucy saw that there was a blanket on the floor. She picked it up and put it on the bed. When she turned around she saw Nalu on the floor. She picked him up took him to the couch and started to cry. Natsu was crying too.

One hour later

Lucy and Nalu were in the hospital while Natsu and Nashi were home.

"Where is Nalu,"Nashi asked.

"He is with mommy."

"Where is mommy."

Natsu sighed.

"Um...they are in the hospital."

"Hospital I wanna go see Nalu."

Natsu and Nashi went to the hospital.

"Um...miss where is Nalu Dragneel at."

"He is in room 420 on the fourth floor."

They went up the elevator and into the room Nashi ran up to Nalu. Natsu walked up to Lucy.

"Sorry Lucy, this is my fault."

"No it isn't, it's Lisanna's."

The doctor walked in the room.

"I'm sorry but your son he's...gone,"the doctor said.

Lucy and Natsu started crying. Also did Nashi.

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