Chapter 11: Lisanna's Apartment

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While Lisanna got off the stage she looked at Lucy and stuck the middle finger out at her. She was lucky that no one saw her. Lucy looked very upset but she didn't care. She was also confused because she didn't know why Lisanna did that. She saw Lisanna walk out.

Lucy told Natsu that she was going home. Natsu said okay and she walked out. Lucy lied about going to the house. Instead she was going to follow Lisanna to she what was up with her. When Lisanna started walking so did Lucy. Whenever Lisanna would turn around Lucy would hide.

When Lisanna stopped she was at Fairy Hills. Lisanna went inside and Lucy went to hide so she couldn't see her. There was windows everywhere and she saw that Lisanna lived on the first floor. Lucy peeked at the window. She saw that Lisanna had a bunch of pictures of Natsu. It was like she was obsessed with him.

Lisanna grabbed a pillow and it was shaped as Natsu. She kissed and took her clothes off and had sex with it like it was a real person.

Lucy was disgusted. She now knew that Lisanna was just jealous of her. She knew that Lisanna loved Natsu as much as she did.

Lucy also New that Lisanna a crazy weirdo who pretends to have sex with pillows. Then after she was finished with that she played with a Natsu doll. She also had one of herself. Lisanna was making the both of the dolls kiss. Then she had a Lucy doll and she made it so that Natsu and Lisanna were stepping on Lucy.

Then Lisanna ripped the head off the Lucy doll and threw it across the room.

Lucy had decided that she had seen enough and she went home. When she was home Natsu wasn't there yet. Only Happy was. She told Happy everything that she saw had when she was finished Happy took a knife from the kitchen and was slowly walking outside and getting ready to hurt Lisanna, maybe kill her.

"Natsu is Lucy's,"Happy yelled.

Lucy ran up to Happy and slowly took the knife away from him. She noticed that Happy was drunk. She noticed by the way he talked and walked.

Then Natsu came home. Lucy told Natsu what she saw.

"Lisanna is a weirdo."

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