Chapter 17: Birthday Party

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One Year Later

It was Nalu and Nashi's first birthday. They were having their birthday at the guild hall. They were very excited about it. In the guild hall everyone was putting up decorations for the party. Natsu was getting Nalu and Nashi dressed for the party. Lucy was helping with baking the cake. She was with Mira, Erza, and Wendy.

One hour later

Everyone was ready. Natsu brung Nalu and Nashi to the guild. Nashi was in a beautiful white dress with white shoes, and she had a curly ponytail. Nalu had a black suit and black pants and black shoes. Natsu was carrying Nashi since she didn't know how to walk yet. Nalu was on his two feet. Lucy looked at Nashi.

"You look so cute,"Lucy said to Nashi as she grabbed her out of Natsu's arms.

Then Lucy looked at Nalu.

"Oh my gosh, you can walk."

"Yes mommy,"Nalu said.

Nalu walked towards the cake. Natsu and Lucy followed him.

"Daddy daddy, mommy I want dada,"Nashi said as she tried to get out of Lucy's arms.

Lucy gave Nashi to Natsu. Then everyone sat down on the big table that they set up in the middle of the hall. Nalu stood up in a chair and Nashi was in Natsu's lap. The both of them were right next to each other. Mira put the cake in front of both of them then they sung the birthday song.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Nalu and Nashi, happy birthday,"the guild said.

Nalu and Nashi both tried to blow the candles. Nashi was basically blowing her spit on the cake.

Ten minutes later

Nalu and Nashi were still trying to blow the candles out. Natsu decided to just blow it out himself.

Then they ate their cake. Everyone didn't really want to eat it because of how much spit was on it. After they ate the cake they opened their presents. They really liked them. Then they just danced.

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