Chapter 6: Invitations

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Lucy was the first one to wake up. She checked the clock right next to her. It was 8:00. She got out of the bed without disturbing Natsu's sleep.

She walked out of the bedroom only to find Happy having sex on the couch with a pillow shaped like Carla.

"Yes that feels sooo good."

She walked out of the room discussed. She was back in her bedroom and Natsu just woke up. He was walking out of the bedroom and Lucy didn't have time to tell him not to go out there. When Natsu went out all he saw was Happy having sex with a Carla pillow.

"Carla,"Happy moaned.

Natsu closed the door and when he looked at Lucy he looked traumatized.

"Did you just see what I saw?"

Lucy shook her head.

They both went out of the room and threw something at Happy. He got upset and threw it back at them.

"Hey, if your going to have sex at least do it in your room,"Lucy yelled and pointed to the door.

Happy grabbed his pillow and he walked to his room and shut the door really hard. Natsu and Lucy sighed.

One Hour Later

Natsu and Lucy went to the guild hall. They were passing out the invitations to there wedding. Everyone seemed so happy for them. Except one person. Lucy went up to Lisanna and gave her an invitation. Lisanna just snatched it from her hand and ripped it up. Lucy whispered something in Natsu's ear.

"I don't know why but I think that Lisanna is upset."

"Oh that's strange, when I said hi to her this morning she seemed just fine."

Lucy was confused. She looked at Lisanna and she seemed to be fine but she wasn't fine around her. She decided to walk up to Lisanna agin to see what she would say.

"Hey Lisanna."


"How's your day."

" Meh."

"Are you alright."


Lucy left in confusion. Now she seemed more sad then mad. Lucy wondered, why was she so sad. She walked up to Levy and Wendy.

"Levy and Wendy you two will be my bridesmaids'"Lucy told them.

"Yes,"the both of them said.

Natsu and Lucy went up to each other. Natsu had one more invitation. It was for Zeref.

"Why are you inviting Zeref. He's dangerous."

"Well, he is my brother. And the only person left in my fam besides me. Anyway I think he might wanna come."

"Fine, but if something bad happens it's going to be on you."

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