I've been tagged

46 1 24

So I have been tagged by thatmemekeira so....yeah

1: Do you like someone So I like this boy in my class

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1: Do you like someone
So I like this boy in my class. I'm not giving out his name. Some of you might know him.

2: Do they like me
Yes. He does like me 

3: Middle name
My middle name is....Kayla

4:Single or taken
Well...we are not dating but I like him and he likes me so I say yeah I guess.

5: Last person I texted
It was my friend Lois from school.

6: Last song I listened to 
It was Welcome to the Black Parade from My Chemical Romance

7: Battery percentage
It is 100% and I think that I should unplug it.

8: Best girl friend 
I have too many so I don't know

9: Best guy friend
It is the person I like but we are a little more than friends

10: Favorite OTP
Honestly...I don't know

11: Why I made my account
Well my friend Lois told me that I should get it. I did and I loved it

12: Current lock screen

12: Current lock screen

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13: Birthday
August 28

I'm now going to tag as many people as I can but sorry it's not 20


Sorry it is not 20

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