World Tour

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A/N I don't own Yugioh.

A few years flew by and Heather grew into a beautiful young lady. She had her mother's eyes and her father's tri-colored hair but it was long it reached her back. Heather has well manners and she is now 10yrs old.

Just like Rachel, Heather has her own magic power, she can look into the eyes of people and tell how they really feel and see the truth in them. Unfortunately, Heather also sees duel monsters and evil spirits that would frighten her.

Heather would be screaming in the middle of the night saying their is a monster in her room but everytime when Yugi goes in there is nothing, but when Rachel goes in, she sees them. Rachel explained to Yugi that their daughter has a special gift to see the dead and the truth in the eyes.

Heather goes to a private elementary school. Yugi still works at the Game Shop and Rachel was at home. There was something she really wanted to talk to Yugi about since their little girl is grown now.

It was around dinner time, Rachel decided to cook and made hamburgers and fries and for dessert some shakes. It was rare when Rachel cooks and everyone was enjoying the meal.

After dinner, Rachel decided to have an important talk with Yugi.



"Do you have time for to talk?"

Yugi smiled

"Of course, what is it?"

"Remember, years back I told you that I can go on my world tour on my demands"


"I was thinking about going back and do my world tour. I mean Summer time is here, Heather is on break, you have work and im pretty sure Julie and Rick won't mind taking care of Heather."

Yugi smiled at her, he was wondering about that himself but never had the chance to bring it up.

"If you want to go then you have my full support just be careful"

Rachel happily hugged her husband

"Yes thank you, thank you, thank you!!"

"How long are you going to be gone?"

Yugi asked once they pulled away.

"Only for a couple of months."

"Okay sounds good"

"Great because in a couple of days I'm leaving. Im just going to tell Heather, Rick and Julie. Then im going to start packing up"

*Couple of Days Later*

The day finally arrived and Rachel was talking to everyone one by one.

Rachel and Julie:

"Please do me a favor watch Yugi, and make sure he doesn't bring anyone home especially Tea"

"You don't trust him?"

Rachel smirk at Julie

"It's not that I don't trust him, its just his friends I don't trust."

"Very well then"

"Thank you"

Rachel and Rick:

"I'm going to tell you the exact same thing I told Julie. Keep an eye on Yugi make sure he doesn't bring no one home especially that bitch Tea"

"And if he argues?"

Rachel raised one eyebrow

"Argue back?"

Rick laughs



Rachel and Heather:
"I'm going to miss you mother, have a safe trip."

"I'll be sure to bring you a souvenir from my tour"


"And sweet do momma a favor watch your father for me and make sure he doesn't bring no one home with him."

Heather smirk

"Or else mother is going to get angry am I correct?"

Rachel did a salute to her playfully.


They both hugged.

Rachel and Yugi:
Yugi kissed Rachel passionately on the lips and pulled apart, still hugging each other.

"I'm gonna miss you Rachel."

"I'm gonna miss you too Yugi"

"So what did you tell the others?"

"To watch Heather while your at work, that's all"

Yugi smiled and nodded

"Yugi, I'm gonna have the vault open so you can help yourself for when you and Heather get bored you can do something, just make sure its under my name"

Yugi nodded

"And please watch Heather for me?"

Yugi laughs

"Sweety don't worry, she is going to be just fine"

"I know I'm sorry because this is my first time I'm going to be so far away from her. I guess its a little nerve wrecking and plus I know if i was to take her, she would just get bored"

"Well you know she likes to be entertain"

Just then the bus honk, her bus and her band already said their goodbyes to their love ones and are already set.

"I guess that's my cue"

Rachel gave Yugi another kiss on the lips, Rachel gave Heather a kiss on the forehead and hugged Julie and Rick. Before Rachel stepped on the bus, she looked towards her family and waved and yelled.

"Wish me luck!!"

The small family waved back happily at Rachel as she went inside the bus happily. As the bus drive off, Yugi looked down at his daughter.

"So princess what do you want to do?"

Heather thought for a moment before saying

"Let's go to the movies"


Yugi looked to Rick and Julie

"You guys want to come?"

They smiled and nodded and together they all left to the movies.

A/N Rate and Comment.

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