Zombie Apocalypse #2

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*In the bunker*           (Contains  Censored Language)

"What food did you gather Taurus?" Sagittarius asked. "I got 2 loafs of bread, 3 bags of chips, 3 bags of vegetables and 2 packs of eggs.
Taurus replied. "Was food scarce?" Gemini questioned. "Yes" Taurus replied. "Well i managed to get some food out of the kitchen 2 cereal boxes, Gold fish crackers? and some Chocolate" Pisces said proudly. "Gimme Choco!" Taurus cried. "Well we still don't have enough food" Sagittarius told the group. Taurus and Pisces hugged each other while they cried even though it was for different reason's. "Well why don't we go to our own houses to see if our families are ok and gather food from our kitchens?" Libra suggested "Your right i can't bare hearing those two cry" Aires Complained.

*All of them headed to their houses the only person in the bunker was pisces since it was her house*

                   Surving Zombies
-Kawaii_Fish and 11 others have joined-

Unicorn_C: Is everyone one doing well

Virgo_is_Cool: I think my house is just a block away so far im fine

Gem: i have killed 3 zombies so far


Scorpz_Rulez: One question why did we head out without weapons

Arfire: You didn't grab a weapon!

Kawaii_Fish: He was to distracted checking libra out😂

Lili_b: You son of a Bit**

Sagi_tt: pisces was kidding

Scorpz_Rulez: Wait till i get back

____________Kawaii_Fish left___________

Gem: Guys im looking at something creepy

Food_Loves_Taurus: What is it where are you?

Lili_b: Come on tell us

Gem: First im at home in my bedroom upstairs and something is banging on door when i look nothing is there

Arfire: But what are you seeing that is creepy

Gem: My sister was trapped in our basement and there is a figure

Scorpz_Rulez: Okay who ever is in my house stop joking

________Kawaii_Fish just joined________

Kawaii_Fish:😭 im not alone

Virgo_Is_Cool: Huh...guys i hear footsteps in my house

Crabbing_Claws: I think we should head back something is clearly haunting us

__________12 people have left__________

*Back at the bunker*

In the bunker Cancer and Pisces were crying of fear. Meanwhile Libra and Aquarius  were trying to find out what was haunting them. Aires was inside the house guarding the basement door. Sagittarius and Capricorn were setting up a sleeping area. Taurus and Virgo were evenly separating the food. Scorpio and Gemini were trying to calm Cancer and Pisces fearing they would get found out. Leo was sleeping since he was taking the night shift. Suddenly Aires came in and said "There is a knock on the door". The whole group became quiet and heard the knocks too. Then something or somebody opened the basement door and there was Ophiuchus. "Got you there is no zombie apocalypse."
He told them. "Brains" a voice from the outside said. "You were saying" Scorpio said.

Hello readers, i hope you enjoyed that story. I feel like i should make a part 3. I know Ophiuchus isn't a sign right now. i honestly needed a 13th character. In general he will just be a side character. Hope you enjoyed reading this.        *EDITED*

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