(Requested)Cancer(M)x Pisces(F)

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No there wasn't a comment but my best friend asked me. Isn't that right E?
The park 12:38
Pisces P.O.V

"W-why." I cry. If you haven't noticed i have just lost my job. To who? Someone prettier than me Aquarius. I don't hate her just jealous i guess. I had a hard time making friends. While she had like 10 million. "No Pisces didn't envy her your just as good." I say to myself. I grab a rock and hold it in my hand i throw it across the pavement. I sat down on a bench and gripped the edge. "Stupid Boss!" I loudly whisper. I mimic his words "Get back to work, Stupid Secretary!". Yea that's right i Pisces was Boss Capricorn's ex Secretary. I stand up walk to the rock i threw and kick it. Sadly i miss and fall on my behind. "Fu**!" I say in my head. "Just my luck." I look up and see a man with white hair. "Oh miss are you okay?" He asks me. He puts his hand in front of me. I almost grab it until i pull back. "Im sorry." I say. I make myself stand up and walk away. "Wait don't go." He cries out. "If he seriously confesses i will-" before i could finish. "Do you know where Capricorn Tower is?" I freeze right in the middle of the sidewalk. I turn around and give him a sorta creepy smile."Asks who?" I say. He gulps and scratches his neck. Before he could say anything he walks forward. He trips on the rock i tried to kick earlier. He falls onto me. His face plants right between my breast. "Gaah." I scream and push him of. To my surprise he lost consciousness. "Great." I say. I walk away but feel pity just leaving him there. I search for a wallet and luckily find one. Sadly the only thing in there was a Capricorn Tower employee card. Name: Cancer. "Cute." I smile. There wasn't any info. I sat him down on the bench. "Maybe he will be hungry later." I think. I run to a food truck selling donuts. (Yass) When i turn back he's gone. Their is no trace he was here even the rock was back where i first found it. I start to cry. "Was it all another day dream." I cry.

Cancer's P.O.V

I wake up on a bench i recall the moments that happened before. I look around to try and find the young dark brown haired woman. I see nothing. I look down at my watch "Fu**!" It's 1:02. "Im late!" I yell. I see the rock i tripped on and kick it under the bench. "There now no one will trip on it ever again.". I see a woman leaving the donut food truck and run to the man there. He gives me directions and im off.
     I walk in the front doors and talk to the receptionist. "Um...Excuse me....I need to."i try to say. "Oh hey are you here to see Mr. Capricorn?" She asks. "Oh yea." I respond. She takes me to a interview room.

(Time Skip brought to you by 👭)

(Still Cancer' s P.O.V)

   "Yay i got the job!" I yell. I dance out the Tower doors. I walk back to the park. I spot the woman who helped me. I walk a couple steps toward her and realize she's crying. "Miss are you ok?" I ask. She looks up and hugs me. "Why did you leave?" She asks.


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well...Hey want to go get coffee?"

    She nods and we walk into a nearby coffee shop. After i pay for our coffee we sit in an outdoor table. She's quiet. "So uh miss..." .She stands up leaves. Then i see a cute donut box with her name and number on it. I smile and save her number on mine.

No P.O.V
  So the next day Cancer asked Pisces out on a date. To their surprise they had a bunch in common. But after a few dates they both felt something. Which leads us to date 10.

    Once both arrive to a small restaurant. "So uh Pisces you know how..." Cancer says."Can you be my boyfriend." She asks. Cancer blushes. He kisses Pisces by surprise and says "Yes!"...
Might edit this later you know. This is for missing Thursday's chapter.
Im changing the cover so which one is Better:

Im changing the cover so which one is Better:

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Oh i woke up to

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Oh i woke up to...

💜I love yall!💜

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💜I love yall!💜

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