Horror House Pt.1

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Im not sure what got me to do this but i felt like doing a spooky chapter since I didn't do one for Halloween, well actually im not sure why im doing this. Maybe it's the fact im creeped out by dolls and I've been watching Shane Dawson. Don't Judge!!!

"Why are we going to this house again?" Taurus asked.

"So we can show everyone in school we aren't losers." Aries said.

"But we aren't losers." Pisces claimed.

"And Moon won't be very happy about this." Virgo added.

Either way the signs made their way up to the door. Aries gripped the door handle tightly and pushed inwards. The door didn't budge. He tried again. Nope, the door stayed closed.

"Why don't i try?" Leo suggested.

"If I couldn't do it, I hardly doubt you can." Aries scoffed.

Ignoring Aries comment, Leo kicked the door. A little piece of wood fell off the door. Leo kicked again. Though this time his leg got stuck in the hole he made on the door. The signs stared at Leo's leg that was stuck on the door. Suddenly Leo's expressionless face quickly turned into one full of agony.

"SOMETHINGS GOT MY LEG!" Leo yelled. The signs grabbed Leo and tried pulling Leo's leg out. A sudden 'chomp' was heard.  (Don't worry readers Leo's leg was out) The door opened to reveal a petite woman.

She looked about 35, and she was wearing a periwinkle loli dress. Her hair was up in a french braid. Her facial features were perfect like a porcelain doll. Her pale skin matched well with her raven hair.

She mumbled something the signs couldn't hear. Her voice was cheery yet with a drop sadness.

"Would you like to come in for tea?" She softly smiled. The signs looked at her funny. It took her some time to realize these late 2010's drink coffee and smoothies, and some may drink tea. "Oh! Or maybe some coffee or a nice smoothie?" She inquired as she slightly jumped out of thought. Her loli dress blew backwards a little due to the mild winter breeze. The air was warmer than usual, because of the closeness to spring. The signs agreed to stay, after all they did break her door. As the signs entered one by one they noticed the change of aura. It was as if something or rather someone else who wasn't the lady was watching them. They all sat down in the kitchen. The funny thing was there was 12 seats all decorated in the signs colors. As the lady closed the door a black car drove up to the side of the quite small house. The lady noticed and went outside. The signs eyes wandered around the kitchen and living room. Her living room had velvet curtains and dolls on shelves. Suddenly the signs heard a crying baby. There eyes widened, the crying was coming from upstairs.

"She's coming for you...." A whisper said.

"Get out while you can...." another said.

"W-who are you?" Libra asked.

"Not us, her." "She's coming RUN!" The voice yelled.

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