Reacting To My Own Book -Zodiac Info

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No i don't get ideas from other books. I use 80% out of what comes out of my brain. (Keep in mind that my cousin wrote this i author chan am a Virgo she will also write the next few chapters until fall break for me starts)
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So here i will explain my emotions of the book.

1. Scorpio x Pisces

At first i thought this was a adorable ship. I still think it is. Then recently i found out that a pervy guy who fought my cousin and had a crush on me was a Scorpio. I myself am a Pisces although I was like that better have not been my soulmate. I only want my crush who is Capricorn. Though he gives me an awkward smile every time i look at him.

2. Gemini' s Personality
I don't like most Gemini's (sorry) sometimes they insult you for no reason. But i do like Gemini's who can control their negative thoughts and sayings. Like my best friend. Though sometimes i can be annoying he just tells me politely.

3. Inspiration for personalities
I use real people for inspiration in my characters. Just because it seems more realistic. I found this guy who has the same birthday as me. So we share a sign. He acts just like me and thinks like me. So i used him as inspiration for female Pisces. Sadly Pisces will not play football like he does.

4.Virgo and Capricorn
This ship has a problem of inspiration. Why? My friend is a Virgo and my Crush is Capricorn. I need inspiration because they don't know each other. So how is this suppose to work out! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

5. Aires
I actually met an Aires female and to be honest their amazing. Though they may seem mean the Aires i met is super nice. This is a miracle for an Aires and Pisces. So though it may seem wrong my Aires will be 70% nice 20% mean. #GoAires
Now for opinions i have in Zodiac info

1. Pisces being blonde
This is a concern. I for a fact am not BLONDE. Though they say Pisces is blonde sign that is not true! Most Pisces don't have blonde hair. I was going to use Justin bieber as an example but, i don't really know what his original hair color was ,it could be dirty blonde or he could've been a brunette.
Tomorrow i will have the Zodiac's personalities ready. So since im putting it out on the first chapter i will create a small reminder chapter. Then i will delete that reminder chapter after a few hours.

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