Virgo (f)x Scorpio(m) (Re-written)

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Virgo x Scorpio requested by Midskystar.
Virgo P.O.V
I was currently at school. Honestly I like school! It's fun but, for some reason it started to snow. Some classmates I sit with at lunch said it could snow up to 1 foot! That got me a bit worried and excited. The bell rung signaling for 5th hour. When I got into the classroom there wasn't any teachers or students. I just thought students were walking around like usual. Then the power shut off. I was shook I went to the nearest window and open the blinds. There was students waiting outside as well as cars leaving. Then it hit me hard like a book.


As I was walking to lunch through tall the chaos I heard the intercom. I tried to listen but nothing was coming out. I just ignored it. After all i only heard "af--- l----leav---hool"As I walked into the lunch room I heard students calling their parents. Then again I thought nothing of it.

*Flashback End*

"Omg I need to leave!" I run out of the classroom like the flash!

Scorpio P.O.V

"Finally some peace and quiet." I sigh at the silence of the school. I always liked staying after school. People would finally leave with their yip yapping mouths. Suddenly the lights went off. "Thank you, even more peace." I say as I close my eyes.
I run out of the classroom to meet who had disturbed this peace only to meet my crush VIRGO ! I saw her on the floor rubbing her head.
"Virgo?" I ask.
"Wha Scorpio!" She says surprisingly.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yea just I'm about to leave." She says
"What do you mean don't you stay for The Academic Team?" I asked.
"Yea...but it's snowing!" She says.
"Snowing your craz--" I stop myself before saying something insulting.
"Brrr.." she shutters.
"Are you cold?" I say before doing one of the cheesiest moves. I take off my sweater and put it on her.
"So Cliche " she says.

"Is this cliche?" I say kissing her on the lips and the saying "I love you."
She paused for a moment then saying
"I'm sorry" she says
My face turns sad she then says
"I love you more." Then kissing me.

Hope you liked it. And i hope i don't get killed by Scorpio. Bye Guys and Gals and other beings.
"Vote for me as Zodiac of the Month"

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