Back to school Shopping Pt.1

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A shopping Fail😅
"Everyone in the van!" Sagittarius yelled. "Why should we?" Aires grumply said. "Hm...let me guess back to school shopping?" Capricorn guessed. "Yep!" Sagittarius cheerfully said. A moment of silence hit the room. "What are we waiting for everyone in the van!" Gemini yelled.
Everyone gets in the car except Scorpio and Aires. "Aren't you guys coming?" Taurus questioned. "Nope" Aires responded. "Okay Cancer you can take Scorpio's spot beside Pisces."
Virgo said. "Oh Pisces get Aires Unicorn supplies!" Leo suggested. "Hell no!" Both Scorpio and Aires yelled. "Move over Cry Cancer!" Scorpio said while pushing him of the seat into the road. (A/N : I think i got carried away with that one! What do you think?") Pisces got mad and pushed Scorpio out too.😂 Then Libra took his seat. "Everyone set?" Sagittarius asked. Every girl yelled "Yup!". Then they were off. 🚘

~Time skip brought to you by: 🐑~

They later arrive to a nearby store called "Supplies 4 Life" (I don't know why i named it that). "Okay the best way to get our supplies is of we split up." Capricorn said in a low toned voice. "Your right!" Virgo said trying to look sexy but failing. "Well who wants to be partners?" Libra asked. "Ooh m-" Virgo was cut of by Aquarius pulling her into the store. Pisces then left with her best friend Cancer. Scorpio tried to go after them but Aires stopped him. "It isn't worth it?" Aires wisely said. "You and me?" Libra asked Taurus. "Sure!" Taurus responded. Then they both walked toward the door."um... Leo partners i think these people are to weird." Gemini whispered to Leo. "Okay." Leo shrugged his shoulders and walked off with Gemini. "I guess me an Capricorn will be partners." Sagittarius declared. He and Capricorn ran behind Leo and Gemini. Then were followed by Aires and Scorpio. (A/N: I'm starting to ship Capricorn and Sagittarius must get away from them. 😓)

~In the store~

~Now stalking Aquarius and Virgo~

"So for highschool we need a whoa!" Aquarius gasped. "What is it?" Virgo asked. Aquarius pointed at the paper and looked at the list. "We have to get 23 things for our senior year!" Virgo shouted. "No need to worry i have $50 dollars." Aquarius cheerfully said.
But Virgo pooped her party by saying "That will only cover a 1/3 of our things." "Well first of we need to get...
After some time the two got everything they needed. Well...most of their things up until the pens. Their argument wasn't really about the pens. "So Virgo do you like Capricorn?" Aquarius asked. "Bffft...No!" She lied. "You sure?" Aquarius asked. "Look Scorpio is kissing Taurus!" She yelled. "Like your going to distract me." Aquarius laughed. Virgo tried to run but Aquarius grabbed her wrist. "Don't forget we have to get the rest of our supplies?" She told Virgo. What they didn't know was that Sagittarius and Capricorn were in the aisle behind them.

See you Tomorrow to celebrate Leo's Birthday!🎂
Someone explain to me why their is a hat on the street:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bye!!!See you Tomorrow to celebrate Leo's Birthday!🎂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Someone explain to me why their is a hat on the street:

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And finally your funny daily Gif:

And finally your funny daily Gif:

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