HighSchool Chapter 2

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Nine weeks ended but I continue because I want to nobody can stop me!
Now to the Story....

Pisces P.o.v

"Have you guys lost your mind!" I look up to see moon.

"Oh uh hey Moon!" I say putting on a fake smile before fleeing the scene.


Gemini's P.o.v

   Did that girl just leave the scene...

"Hey, your cute..." A masculine voice says. I look up to see.................

"T-Trevor?" I stutter.

"I'm surprised you remember me." He says with a soft smile.

     Alright time for some explaining. This is Trevor. Trevor was my middle school crush. He was super nice and well now he's here. I know I'm in a relationship with Leo. But its okay to have some guy friends like Aires and Scorpio and you know...

"Oh uh how doing...I mean how-" I try to say.

"Gemini plz don't waste your beautiful voice." He puts a finger on my lips.

"Wait till Leo see's this." Star says with a cheeky smile.

"Gemini who's Leo?" Trevor asks

"Oh yea Trevor Leo is my boyfriend." I tell him.

"Oh I apologize for my inappropriate behavior towards you." His smile turns to a frown.

"Oh it's fine I'm sure we can become good friends." I give him an assuring smile.

"Yea we can." He quickly gives me a hug.

"Huh a new lover?" Scorpio gives a grin.

"Shut up!" I yell.

"I'm surprised none of you noticed me." Moon interrupts. "I'm going to have to give you all a warning." She continues.

"A warning for what?" Virgo asks.

"Remember it's your Senior year we expect you to be on your best behavior." She says before walking away.

"Why can't we have fun." Virgo complains.

"Omg!" I yell.

"What's wrong?" Libra asks.

"One minute till Volleyball tryouts!" I quickly run off.

"Wait!" Virgo runs after me.
Scorpio P.O.V

"Does she always do that?" Asks Mr.Lover Guy (Trevor)

"You could say." I respond.

"Hey why are we missing more than half our group?" I ask

"How should I know lobster?!" Aires says.

"I'm just glad Star let go of my wrist, but it has a bruise now." Libra frowns.

"Wait where is Aquarius?" I ask.

"Let's just go to our classes now." Libra says.

"What about your bruise?" Aires asks

"I'll stop by the nurse." She smiles at Aires.

"Look at me the third wheel." I say

"Then go away!" Aires says.

"You two are like children." Libra giggled.

"Haha funny." I say blankly.

"Let's go Trevor." I say while dragging him with me.

Taurus P.O.V

"Hey Taurus." I voice says. I turn to see Cancer.

"Oh hey Cancer." I smile.

"I just want to ask-" he says but I interrupt him.

"Cancer if it's what's in the box I'm not going to answer." I say

"No it's why are you keeping a secret from me." He asks.

"Oh well it's just I don't want to be judged and all." I respond.

"I understand its your choice, but remember were here for you." He wisely says.

"Okay Mr.Wise" I giggle he giggles too. We began walking to class.
Virgo P.O.V

Why did I have to stay here. Though I'm confused. They only let the girls and parents in ,but why are there male students hiding behind the bleachers. These uniforms are too ugly to be shown.

"Hey Virgo you said you brought extra clothes?" Gemini interrupts my thoughts.

"Oh yeah here." I say handing her the bag I brought.

"Thanks let's go." She says.

"Alright ladies you should receive an email tommorow if you make the team. Good Luck!" The coach tells

"Man, I hope I make the team." Gemini smiles.

"I'm sure you will. Though since you made me watch the ugly uniforms you will wait for me until after my dance team tryouts later!" I declare.

"What why please noo!" She begs.

"Too late I made my decision. now go change!" I smile.

"Your not my mom!" She sticks her tongue out at me walking to the bathroom.
Pisces P.O.V

I escaped successfully! I'm in the middle of a empty hallway. I turn to my right to see a Pisces! For President!.

"What in the Marine Life is that!"(Get it ,the joke?) I scream.

"Shush your mouth girl." A mysterious voice says.

"Well I'm sorry I can't be surprised." I pout

"Wait oh Pisces my little girlfriend." Uranus says.

"I'm I-I gotta go Bye!" I say running off. Can that boy just go away please. In front of me is a Scorpio for President poster.

"Why is there a Scorpio for President poster here?" I ask myself. "Scorpio doesn't like interacting with people we never met." I wonder.

"Oh hey look I didn't know Cancer was going for President." I hear a girl giggle. I turn around to see a Cancer for President poster!

What is going on!?
3rd P.O.V

   The signs who weren't walking to class ran in. (All the signs have the same 4 course classes and those will be their 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 7th periods.)

"Alrighty hello guys my name is Mr.Ophiuchus." The teacher says.

"Mr.Ophiuchus!" All the signs yell.

"Oh uh hey guys good to see you." He smiles.

The signs pass out Jk!
Hello I hope you enjoyed that I got Trevor the-you know what you'll find out. I will try to update more now. Now if you need to refresh on the series remember to check out my other book just for this series. So yeah I might publish a 3rd part of the Zombie apocalypse later today or Tomorrow. And I'm thinking I should try and do a scary series of the signs a week before Halloween like a countdown. So yea just an idea not official. Bye!

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