Truth or Dare #4

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After all of the commotion of the last few rounds of Truth or Dare the signs felt empty, except Taurus.

"Im SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bored!" Groaned Aquarius.

"Have you tried reading a book?" Gemini asked glancing at the female.

There was silence before Aquarius groaned once again. Sagittarius cheerfully walked into the living room carrying a bag.

"What's got you all cheery?" Taurus asked curiously.

"You know how we are just hanging around in silence?" Sagittarius began.

"No, get to the point." Aquarius said bluntly.

"Ok..Ok... I got us a new Truth or Dare game." Sagittarius announced.

Everyone in the room groaned and returned back to their despair.

"I don't know if you noticed or not but last Truth or Dare was cringy and bleh." Aries remarked and began playing games on his phone.

"But i promise this time will be better!" Sagittarius assured.

The signs all exchanged glances and sighed before forming a circle.

"On on condition!" Announced Libra. "You have to get us ice cream if this doesn't work!"

Sagittarius thought about it for a moment and accepted the small condition. After all games from your local dollar store had to be fun, Right?


"Okay, Leo truth or dare?" Virgo asked.

"Dare, i hope it's something like give Capricorn fashion advice." Leo snickered. Capricorn just responded with a blank stare.

"You okay, unicorn?" Pisces questioned the male sitting like a statue.

"He'll come around." Scorpio said.

"Hopefully." Continued Virgo. She went back to reading the card for Leo's dare. She went Wide-eyed before laughing.

"What is it?!" Piped Leo. He took the card from Virgo and read it. He was disgusted. "Something is wrong with your game!" He shouted and threw the card towards Capricorn.

"Well what are you waiting for Leo!" Teased Virgo.

Capricorn snapped out of his trance and picked up the card. After closer inspection he read the card aloud.

"Kiss, the old lady next door ."

"Yep you owe us ice cream, Sagittarius." Libra exclaimed jumping up and heading towards the door. The other signs followed as Sagittarius tried to persuade the signs into something else less expensive.


"Why do you guys buy the most expensive ice cream." Sagittarius groaned looking into his empty wallet.

"I think the real question is how did the game know we had a neighbor named Ms.Green." Pisces pondered. Afterwards an old lady laugh was heard.

"Do you think she's out to get us?!" Cancer squeaked. Before another second passed the signs ran into the sunset to never be seen again. JK


400 words

This book is in need of some dusting :))))

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