Annabeth X Fem! Deaf! Reader - Happy

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  Alrighty. Before you start reading, I need to tell y'all something.

Bolded words mean it is being signed.
Italicized words mean something is being written down.
Underlined words mean something is being signed and said at the same time.
Regular words mean something is being spoken out loud.

That is all! Enjoy!!

All you really ever wanted was to be able to hear. You weren't born deaf, but it happened when you were three months old. Sure, being deaf could be annoying at times. People always seemed to assume that you were stupid since you couldn't hear, but you proved them wrong every single time. Then you went to Camp.

It was quite the shock finding out that your dad was Hermes and when you looked back, it made sense. He was the god of mischief and you were very clever when it came to pranks. When you found out, you were ecstatic. A new place with new people that won't bully you because you were deaf. Also, you thought that maybe someone could heal you and make you be able to hear again. You tried to not get your hopes up of course, but you just couldn't help it.

Soon it was the day you moved to Camp. Your mom hadn't seen you this happy in the longest time and was overjoyed to see you smiling so much. Even though she was sad to see you go, she was grateful for you to have this opportunity. If you were happy, she was happy.

"You ready to go honey?" Your mom signed to you.

"Yea! Let's go!" You ran out to your car and hopped in. Your mom smiled and shook her head as she walked up to the car. When the both of you were buckled she started up the car and you were on your way to a new start.


"Are we there?" You signed as your mom took a turn and drove onto a dirt path.

"Almost." You bounced in your seat and clapped your hands excitedly. In less than five minutes you stopped at a hill beneath a huge Pine tree. The both of you got out of the car and walked up the hill to the tree where a figure was waiting for you.

"Hello," the person said. "I'm Annabeth."

"Hi! My name is [y/n]," you signed. Annabeth looked confused so you took out a notebook and wrote it down.

"Chiron didn't say anything about you being deaf," she said.

"It's fine. It happens all the time," you wrote. "But I can read lips and write fast so don't worry about communication."

"Are you sure?" You nodded. "Alright then. Follow me and I'll show you around Camp."

You started to follow her, but your mom stopped you when you went to grab her hand. You looked at her and she smiled sadly.

"What's wrong?" You signed.

"This is as far as I can go."

"What? Why?"

"Mortals can't cross the boundary line," she signed.

"Well that's just stupid."

"I know baby, I know."

"So I can't see you again?"

"You can baby girl. Just ask Chiron and he might let you. Besides, you're coming home for school. It's just for the summer."


"You think you can do that?" You nodded. "Alright. I'll see you soon okay?"

"Okay." Your mom pulled you into a big hug and you tried not to cry.

"I love you [y/n]."

"I love you too mom." She kissed your forehead, hugged you one last time then walked back down to the car. Then after one last wave, she was gone. You turned to Annabeth and sniffed.

"You'll be with her again before you even know it," Annabeth said.

"I know."

"Come with me and we'll get you all settled in." You walked down the opposite side of the hill and was met with the most beautiful sight you had ever seen. You gaped and Annabeth let a small smirk show.

"Beautiful right?" She said after tapping your shoulder. You nodded and started when you saw Annabeth walk without you. You ran down the hill to catch up with her, almost running into her.

"Sorry!" You said as you tried to catch your breath. Annabeth looked at you weirdly. "What?"

"I didn't know that you can talk," she said. You sighed and rolled your eyes.

"Just because I'm deaf doesn't mean that I can't talk," you wrote. "I'm not stupid."

"I didn't say that you were stupid. I'm just curious as to why you didn't talk before."

"I don't really like talking. I prefer sign language, but I doubt that anyone here knows it."

"Well, I know a little sign language but I'm not that good at it," Annabeth said.

"Really?!" You got excited. "What do you know?"


Without meaning to, you and Annabeth had sat on that hill for hours. You had taught her some new signs and now you could have a decent conversation with her in sign language. That was how Chiron found you.

"There you girls are. I was wondering what had happened to you," he said as he came trotting up the hill.

"Sorry Chiron," Annabeth said. "We got a little carried away."

"With what?"

"Sign language," you signed.

"Oh. Well I'm glad that the both of you are safe. Have you shown her around Annabeth?" Annabeth shook her head and Chiron frowned.

"It's too late now. It's almost dinner time."

"We can do it tomorrow right?" You signed.

"Yes. But for now follow me and I'll show you where we eat meals." Chiron trotted down the hill while you and Annabeth followed. And that was how your relationship blossomed. It only got stronger over time and you wouldn't have it any other way.  

Various X ReadersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora