Avengers X Reader - Closure and Grieving

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Death brings a lot of things. Closure and grieving are just a couple. I guess it depends on which side of it you are on. The grieving side or the closure side. Mine was closure.

For a long time, nothing was right. Everything was going downhill but I put on a smile and pretended everything was alright for your guys' sake. I laughed, joked and had fun. It just didn't last.

Now I need to say something. None of this was any of your guys' fault. Not one single bit. So don't go blaming yourselves for what I have chosen. Just don't. I want you to hold yourself up and comfort the ones who are having trouble with it.

Tony. Never stop being yourself. Keep building the suits, keep being a sarcastic billionaire and keep fighting for what you think is right.

Clint. Look out for Laura and the kids. Tell them the truth about their Aunt [y/n] when they are old enough okay? Don't pull that 'She went on a very long vacation' bullshit.

Natasha. Keep everyone in check alright? Don't let everyone go bat-shit crazy. You can handle that without me right little one?

Bruce. I want you to keep helping the sick. Do what you were doing when Nat picked you up before Loki unleashed Hel on New York. Don't stop helping people.

Thor. Be the righteous King of Asgard. Rule with a firm hand and kind heart. Always listen to your instincts and you will be welcomed into Valhalla when the time is right.

Last but not least, Steve. Don't let grief overtake you. Continue on with fighting for good and do it for me too. Keep doing what you do.

All of you need to keep on living. You need to let me go. Remember the good memories but don't dwell on them. It does you no good to dwell on the past. Do what you want with my stuff. Keep it or give it away, it doesn't matter. Pick what you want then donate the rest. Just don't sell any of it.

Nat, you know what to do.

I love you all. Remember that okay?


[Y/n] [L/n]

The paper was passed around from person to person. Tears fell from everyone's eyes when they read it. Everyone was silent until Tony spoke up.

"I can't believe it," he said. "How come we didn't notice the signs?"

"It's a lot harder than it looks Tony," Nat said. She was clutching the paper and looking down.

Clint was holding onto the back of a chair so tightly that his knuckles were white, Bruce was rubbing his arm and Thor was just standing there. Tony was rigid and shaking.

"But we were her friends! The least we could have done was see!" A sniff was heard and everyone looked at Steve. He was sitting down on a chair, face in his hands. Nat went over to him, but he just held his hand up.

"Please go," Steve said in a small voice. "I would like to be alone."

They all left and that's when Steve let loose with his tears.


The funeral was planned for today. Since you were once a member of the military, you were given a funeral for one. Your coffin was covered in the American flag, guns were shot and your commanding officer was present.

It had started out as a nice day but as the funeral went on, it kept getting darker and soon started to rain. Black umbrellas went up and people started leaving the cemetery. The Avengers were the last ones to leave. They all placed a [f/f] on the fresh dirt before they left. They promised to visit often, or whenever they could and that was that.

You were gone. Nothing could reverse it, no matter how hard someone tried. It was a fact but everything would be alright. There will be grieving, yes. There always is. But everything will get better. It always has.

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