Markiplier X Reader - Kisses and Cats

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Today was as normal as any other day. You were sitting in your living room reading and your boyfriend, Mark, was on his way to your house. Now, there was a surprise waiting for him. You knew that he liked cats and you decided to get one. You liked them too, so it was no problem.

While you were waiting for him, your cat was wandering your house. Soon enough, it got bored and decided to bother you for a bit. It walked up to you and went right in between you and your book. You moved the book and continued to read, but your cat wouldn't have any of that. She kept blocking your view of the text and you gave up trying to read, petting her instead.

She purred in satisfaction and you couldn't help but smile. She was so cute and you loved her to death. Even if she could be an asshole by knocking things over. But that was overruled by her adorableness.

The sound of a car pulling up your driveway made you tear your gaze away from the jet-black feline on your lap and towards the open window. Feet crunched on the gravel and keys jingled before the lock turned and the door opened to reveal Mark.

"I'm here!" Mark said as he struck a pose. You laughed and tilted your head backwards so you could see him better.

"Hello." Mark looked at you and caught your lips up in a kiss.

"How are you, beautiful?" He said against your lips.

"Pretty good. I have a surprise for you," you said. An eyebrow was raised and you put on the goofiest smile ever.

"Say hello to Funion!" You held up the cat. Mark and Funion seemed to be having a staring contest. Then Funion blinked and meowed. Mark slowly went to pet her and she started to purr again when he did.

"I know you like cats and I do too so I got one. Do you like her?"

"Like her? She's so cute!" Mark squealed. You giggled and turned around to face him properly.

"Did you get her for me?"

"Yes and no. I got her for me too."

"Well now I'm going to have to visit more often."

"I suppose you will," you mused. Mark laughed and kissed you once more. After the kiss was broken, Mark sat down next to you and set Funion on his lap. He was still petting her and you laid your head on his shoulder, reading your book once more. Everything was so serene you started to fall asleep.

After some time, you actually did fall asleep. Mark noticed after a while and smiled. He picked up a sleeping Funion off of his lap and when she meowed, he told her to be quiet. She just gave him a look for waking her up, walked to a different part of the couch and curled up there. After that, Mark took your head, putting it on his lap so you would be more comfortable.

He gave you a kiss on the forehead and started to drift off himself. Today was a good day. It was full of kisses and cats and Mark couldn't ask for more.

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